Chapter Seven

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I approached the hospital and ran inside. "Where's my fathers room?" I asked. They pointed down the hall and I ran that way. "DAD!" I yelled, looking at him laying on the bed with his eyes open which was different since the last time I saw him when he was laying on the ground with a shard of glass in his eyebrow. "Hi Samantha" he said, smiling at me.

"Daddy" I said quieter than the last time. His eye was swollen in many places and he had stitches from the surgery he had to get the glass removed. I walked over to the chair in the corner and sat down. I talked to my dad for about 4 hours and then I fell asleep.
I woke up the next morning, exhausted but excited. Tonight was my night, with Mr Savy. My father was sleeping so I snuck out the door. I checked my phone once I was out of the hospital room. It was 11:30. I ran to my car and pretty much speed home. Once I got inside I ran up the stairs to change out of my outfit from the day before.

I decided on wearing a teal blouse with a white lace collar and black lulu lemon tights. I threw on my teal all stars and head out the door. I drove as fast as I could to school. It was ouch so I ran right to the chemistry lab. "Mr Savy" I shouted. I noticed other people in the classroom so I didn't run up and kiss him. "Hi Samantha" he said. "Hi, I need some help studying tonight, would you mind helping me" I asked him, trying to look all flirty.

"Of course, anything for my star student" he said, giving me a hug that felt like, amazing. I waved goodbye then ran to the cafeteria to find Maddi. "Maddi" I yelled. She noticed me and ran over. She hugged me and lifted me up a little. "James has done nothing but talk about you, and him and Sophia. Done because of you" she said, sounding all excited.

"Why do you sound excited, I broke up a couple" I said, giving her a questioning look. "I'm excited because the star quarter back broke up with his cheerleader girlfriend to be with you, the nerd" she said, bouncing up and down. I just walked away to my locker.

I got out my gym clothes and I went to go change. I changed into a pink sports bra with a white tank top overtop of it. I threw on some pink shorts and threw my long hair in a ponytail. I walked out of the change rooms and into the gym. All the boys were pretty much there and all the cheerleaders. Maddi was still changing so I had no one to talk to, except James, who kept trying to be near me, but I just wouldn't let him. I wanted to be with Mr Savy, not James, no matter what he did.

Gym class came to an end and it was time for chemistry, my favourite class and teacher. "Hi Mr Savy" I said, walkingso close to him there was no space for me to breathe. I sat at the back corner farthest from the door so I could be the last one out. "Samantha, can you answer this question on the board?" Mr Savy asked. I wasn't paying attention because I was imagining my night with this handsome person standing up at the front.

I held back my urge to go up and kiss him the end of class. "See you tonight, Mr Savy" I said, taunting him. I walked down the hall to my locker and put my books away. I grabbed my grey purse and walked towards the front doors. It was pouring pretty hard out so I was glad I parked in the closet spot to the door.

I drove home to go get ready for my date. I showered and curled my long, long, long blond hair. I never realized how long my hair was until I brushed it out. Well, I decided to wear a navy blue mullet dress with a black leather jacket. I put on black small boots to top it off and I looked awesome. I was getting ready to leave when the doorbell rang. I opened the door myself and James was standing there, soaked.

"Samantha" he said, catching his breathe. I was about to shut the door when he pulled me outside in the pouring rain. "James" I said, confused. "Samantha, I love you" he said, standing there soaking in the rain. I stared at him for a minute. "James, I think I may love you too" I said, not knowing what I was feeling at the moment.

I leaned up and kissed him. He kissed me back forcefully. I was getting soaked and so was my dress. I was kissing the star quarter back who broke up with his head cheerleader girlfriend for me. I stopped the kiss. "I have to go" I said, running to my car. I drove to Mr Savy's house in silence, thinking about what just happened.

I reached my teachers house and there was a beautiful dinner set up inside. I barely noticed how pretty it was because of how much was on my mind. "Mr Savy" I started, but he cut me off. "Roger, call me Roger" he said. "Okay then, Roger, I don't think we should see each other anymore" I said, biting my lip. He stood up, looking extremely mad.

"What?" He shouted. I quivered at the sound of his booming voice. "Sorry, how about you go into my room while I calm down" he said. I nodded then I walked into his bedroom. It was room with no windows. I was tired so I laid dow on the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up later, hand cuffed to Roger's headboard. "Oh, your awake, aren't you dying to see what's going to happen next" he said, crawling towards me on the bed. He kissed me neck as he started to pull off my leather jacket.
Hey guys!
Can't wait to write the next chapter, have so many good ideas!
Love you all so much!

H xoxo❤️😘❤️

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