Synthetic Life (1)

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The last sheen of daylight was still present as Violet walked into her office the next evening. She loved the vibrant hues of twilight; when the night took over for the day. The purples and deep blues almost allowed her to get a glimpse of what the world looked like during the day. She was still mourning losing her ability to walk around no matter the hour.

She knew that her company's invention of synthetic blood was needed thought the world by both species, and she was finally fed up with waiting. Violet knew that an old favor would be able to get the blood moving right on thought the legal system.

During Violet's time as a young vampire she had collected many favors from the upper class. Her apparent innocence made her the perfect spy for many classy vampires at the time. The people she worked for at the time were all so jealous of each other that it was extreamly simple to get information by playing them off one another. She doubted that anyone had a clue how much information she had gathered. Only an old friend had any idea how many times she was a double agent, and it was going to stay that way if Violet had anything to say about it.

The old favor she was calling in was a simple one. Violet had kept an infuencial vampire from falling for another's schemes, thus earning a favor. This said vampire was now in an infuencial position within the human medical supplies regulation board, and it was time to send him a call.

Violet had many contacts, so it took a minute to find the right one. After a while of trying to reach him by going though different secretaries she finally found him.

"Daniel, it's been a while hasn't it," Violet murmured as if this was just another call during her day. She was expecting a very different tone in his reply.

"Violet, since when do you make social calls, get to the point," he seemed a little anxious and scared as if he knew that nothing she said next would make him happy.

"I am finally calling in that favor you owe me. I am sure it has been keeping you up during the day with worry for the last couple hundred years. You need you to push the final layers of testing and certification of my synthetic blood, I need it to get though the human way so that it is able to be produced in mass quantities without raising too much suspicion, and you are in the perfect position to get that done for me," Violet knew that he would do as she asked, but also knew that he wouldn't be happy about it, so she kept her tone sweet without sounding like she was trying to hard. He was in the prime position to help her, but there was still the chance that he could destroy all her efforts. If he forgot that he wanted to live.

Daniel knew how this was going to end, so just asked for Violet to send over the information he needed and it would go onto the top of his pile. It was his best chance to go back to being a person on Violet's good side, always a good idea.

Violet was satisfied with the result of that favor, and went out to get a snack. Her company had several humans who were willing donors of blood, and she just went by the cafeteria kitchen to grab a thermos full. How she resented her maker for putting her in this situation. Being a vampire was Violet's worst nightmare for a while, she only kept on living to help others. To help others, to put others above herself, to put herself below others.

A scream came out of the human area of the cafeteria. Violet went running to see what it was, most of the people employed by her were extremely bright and not inclined to scream randomly. As she got to the large room it was clear what had happened, a human male had tripped, dumping a tray of boiling coffee pots onto the table of managers. Violet called the cleaning staff so that the cafeteria could get back to use, and walked over to the devastated young man.

He must have heard her heels clicking on the floor because he looked around at Violet, and everything changed. Violet swayed a second and then took a small step forward. He smelled like the fall, with everything grown, and ripe. She had been a vampire for centuries, no one had ever struck her like this before. He looked slightly frazzled as well, but that could have been the fact that she was the head of the institute, and he had just poured coffee all over her heads of staff.

He was so shocked, he had just been going back to his floor with coffee for everyone and this happened. First he had spilled all the coffee, on management no less, and the Violet showed up. Everyone in the institute was almost afraid of her, she was only ever around during the night shift and she always was aloof, without any embarrassing human moments, or anyone ever talking to her as if she was normal, always with a hint of fear and awe.

Zeke had never felt that was justified though, Violet had her moments of humanity, like right now she was making sure that everyone got all cleaned up, and that no one was burned too badly. Even his guilt at causing this was not enough to dull the sensation of seeing her again. Zeke recalled his first encounter with her, she had been unconscious, but it was the highlight of his year. The old labs had burned a couple of years ago and he was delivering something to her secretary when the alarm went off. Violet had a piece of roof on the floor next to her that seemed to have been the reason for her unconscious state. He picked her up and took her outside where he can still remember the last glimmer of sunlight shinning down on her. It was beautiful.

It was really quite late and she woke up in just a minute or two, but by then he had gone.

Now, seeing her awake and animated was like a dream come true.

Violet had no recollection of her previous meeting with Zeke because the fire had started right before she was able to awaken. She vaguely remembered the scent, but there were so many people passing though the hall ways in her institute that it was hardly unusual for her to recognize a sent. Right after the fire she had kept coming back to the sent, but could never place it, and now she wondered why his sent was there from the fire.

Her first instinct upon seeing him was to talk with him, to get closer to him, and to find out who he was. That was defiantly not a good idea though, there were so many people that saw her as a ice queen that if she did that they would immediately make the worst of it. Violet liked not having to hear any rumors about herself, if anyone were to figure out she was a vamp because of one that would bring her company down. People would start to avoid her, wondering what her intentions with the synthetic blood was, why she would want to save humans, and more. She was able to get blood donations because they were doing several tests with real and synthetic blood to find the differences and weaknesses of both. Her staff only included three vampires total so it wasn't too many vamps trying to live off the donations.

Her next instinct was to run.

This was a harder one for her to pin down why she shouldn't, it was in her mind irrational. The insistence of the thought was enough for her to doubt the irrationality of it though. So she finished getting everything set, and faced him again with a plan to get as far from him as possible, as soon as possible.

With no errands, no work, no nothing to take care of anymore she was forced to actually ask him to file an incident report. This was in itself normal, and inconspicuous, but a little seeds of need, wanting, and worry stirred within her.

"You need to write the incident report, and put it in my office, tomorrow. I know you tripped, and I know that no one actually got burned, but there still needs to be a report so that no one can sue the institute for the damage. I will have everyone else involved look over it and sign off their right to sue latter this week," Violet got this all out as quickly as she could without seeming like she was in a rush somehow, and turned to go back to her office without once turning to look at the slightly stunned faces she left in her wake..


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