Synthetic Life (3)

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Chapter 3

They both stared for a minute, and then tried to talk at the same time.

"I am sorry that I left so quickly," Violet said over Zeke saying,"I am sorry that I caused such a curfuffle," while he immediately thought about if curfuffle was a real word at all.

Violet took a breath and waited for Zeke to say his part, he had such a stunning voice. She would compare it with wind chimes, but it was much more masculine than that.

With Zeke, he was so embarrassed that he had used a word like curfuffle with his boss's, boss's, boss that he decided to just wait for Violet to talk first. This left both of them in the room completely silent. Not one sound was audible. If they had been outside he was sure that crickets would be chirping in the stereotypical way, and Violet was sure that she wanted to just fade into her chair. The tension in the room was almost visible, but neither of them wanted the other to leave, or to say something they would regret, so they waited.

Normal silence is like the sound of a house just as everybody is waking up. There are little ruffles of fabric, the faraway sound of water running out of a tap, and people yawning. This was not a normal silence. It was more like a silence like that of a funeral, or a child knowing they are about to be reprimanded. But it wasn't quite that much hopelessness in the silence. It was like friends meeting after a long time and having no idea what to talk about, the only problem was that Zeke and Violet had just met, but that is as good as silence can be described.

Violet took a lot out of that silence. She started worrying about her appearance, his opinion of her, if he was going to talk soon, if she should talk first, and other first date-esk questions. Violet hadn't really felt anything for anyone since her transformation, and that was a very long time ago.

"I see you have a new vase," Zeke said trying to make small talk out of the almost frozen conversation. Thankfully it worked, because if it hadn't Violet was about to just throw him out of her office and leave their aquantince at that. Having that happen was not what either of them wanted.

Zeke didn't know how much that sentence meant to Violet. For the vase was a symbol of all that she is trying to accomplish at her company. The liquid blood fluid, changing in the light, the vase sophistication and elegance. A pure item, that is clearly neutral and not in the shadows that the vampires were hidden in.

"It was a gift from the staff, it contains one of the first successful batches of the S-Blood. I hope that you like it," Violet was enjoying having this chance to talk with someone that was actually normal, instead of jittery with fear in her office.

"I think that it matches you and the office very well. Your red tinted hair reminds me of the vase, and the details in the floorboards are red. Its elegance is a personification of you, and it symbolizes your accomplishment with the blood. Everyone in the building is waiting on the edge of the seats to see of it gets out of testing alright," feeling like he was almost pushing the boundaries with his comments about the similarities between the vase and Violet, Zeke tried to bring the conversation back to a more neutral topic worried that he was making a fool out of himself.

Violet was surprised that Zeke had actually said that much to her. He actually treated her like a real person instead of just 'the boss' that most of the building treated her as. If he kept up that attitude violet was sure that slowly she would be sucked into his charm. That scared her. For all of her years as a spy and now being the boss of a growing company she had never felt quite so out of control. The world had to decide a few more things first before she would be able to get a firm grip on the reins of her life again.

"I am really hoping that nothing goes wrong while we are trying to get the blood past these final steps. If anything goes wrong at this point it might just be enough to cause some problems when we need to convince both the humans that it is a safe product," the S-Blood was a safe topic something that Violet could talk about whiteout getting confused about, or showing how her emotions that ares mostly dormant were stirring.

Zeke was relieved as well; Violet seemed willing to let his comments slide. She could have made them into a huge deal, and he would have lost a job that was the best place for keeping his identity hidden. Out in the world it was hard to find places that were willing to take such a blind eye to the inconsistencies that not being born in this realm causes. He really wanted to fit in and keep working with Violet. No matter what the risks were.



Did anyone catch the hints to what Zeke is?????? If you tell me correctly I will dedicate a chapter to you as well as read/vote/comment on a story of your choice.

Ps. If more than one person guesses right I will do the same for them too

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2011 ⏰

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