Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

The next day, on a Monday when I was dreading for school, i was on twitter.. as per usual looking at tweets and for some reason everyone was going crazy for some kind of competition? I didn't know what it was so I clicked onto the link and it said in bold 'GET YOUR CHANCE TO MEET RIZZLE KICKS HERE, ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CLICK ENTER HERE AND TWEET THEM THIS LINK AND YOU WILL HAVE A CHANCE' I pretty much ignored this matter as I thought the whole thing was completely fake, but it wasn't, the time was 8:10 and I was already running VERY late for school but in my view this was way more important than some dumb education. I filled in the survey as fast i could, tweeted them the link and then BAM it was sent! I then decided to skip school as the butterflies in my tummy couldn't be held back any longer, I told my mum that I felt so ill and only just managed to persuade her to stay off of school. 

As she went off to work, i lay there anxiously waiting for something to pop up. 

SUDDENLY MY EMAIL POPPED UP SAYING THAT RIZZLE KICKS HAD TWEETED ME YET AGAIN SAYING THAT I HAD ACTUALLY WON THE COMPETITION! I GOT UP AND SCREAMED AND SCREAMED UNTILL MY HEART WAS PUMPING SO FAST.. My neighbours were probably worried by the sound and thought that there was some kind of mass muderer in my house; well atleast I hope they didn't think that. I grabbed the phone to tell my mum as she was ever so happy for me, I thought to myself 'I get to meet them TOMORROW.... TOMORROW! My luck has changed, i've gone to bad luck to completely good luck!'

It turns out that I had looked at twitter and Harley had announced that he was in a relationship for some Rita girl.. I just hoped that Jordan would still be single! After all, I was lucky now! ''IM GOING TO SHOW THAT RITA WHAT I AM MADE OF!' 

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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