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Name/Username: TomorrowsSeeker

Pen-name: Tøm

Occupation: Writer, Reader, Critique

Gender: Male

Likes/Writes: Fantasy, Adventure, Romance, Humor, Teen-Fiction

Rank: Leader

Priviledges: SAOL

Penalties: None



Username: the_gabrielburrell

Occupation: Student

Gender: Male

Likes/Writes: Mostly fictions and out of this world stories.

Rank: Normal Member

Priviledges: SANM

Penalties: None



Name/Username: TheTvSeriesGuy

Pen Name: Callum Lewis

Occupation: School Student/ Writer

Gender: Male

Likes/Writes: Horror, Action, Adventure and Fan Fiction and Paranormal

Rank: Normal Member

Priveleges: SANM

Penalties: None



Name/Username: Twisted Alice

Pen name: Alice Astronominovi

Occupation: Student

Gender: Female

Likes/Writes: Fantasy, Mystery, some Romance.

Rank: Normal Member

Priveleges: SANM

Penalties: None



Username: TylerRedfox

Name: Tyler Redfox

Occupation: Student

Likes/Writes: I write stories with heroes and heroines that have serious disadvantages, making them less like the hero like type. I write almost any genre except romance and teen dramas.

Rank: Normal Member

Priveleges: SANM

Penalties: None



Name/Username: TheCrystalLabyrinth

Pen name: Whisper NightShade

Occupation: High School student at Cross Academy

Gender: Female

Likes/Writes: I like to write and read fantasy, fan fiction, sci fi, adventure, horror, romance, anime, action, paranormal and classics. I love music, dance and art. 

Rank: Normal Member

Priveleges: SANM

Penalties: None

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