Netflix and "chill"

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He asked me for my phone number, i gave it go him he gave me a wink and continued shopping. At this moment my heart was racing and my face is red. I think he likes me.

That night Taylor and I were talking about him the whole night and we were stalking all his accounts on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. We even found him on hot or not we giggled for a while. After that we were up all night watching movies on Netflix and i hear a vibrate on my phone around about 11.30pm its from a number i dont recognise, hey! It might be from Tyler! I check my phone and it says "hey wanna meet up at the cafe next to the grocery store, i replyed with a yes but my stomach was filled with butterflies and my brain was filled with excitement. Could this mean? I dont know he probably wants to get to know me.

The Next Day:
He messages me early and asks if we wanted to go to the acting course together i said yes of course. He sent me a wink emoji. I arrived at the cafe at 10.30am (30 minutes early) in my floral dress with black leggings a red cardigan and shoes and my hair down and curly, i wanted to be on time so we could get good seating. Its 10.55 and Tyler finally arrives looking gorgeous as i last saw him, he stares at me and says "you look beautiful", i said "its really nothing" i giggle. We head inside and take a seat and order breakfast. He ordered a grilled sandwich with a lot of toppings and i ordered some scrambled eggs and toast. Our orders came and we at first it was kinda awkward but as soon as he made a move by introducing himself and telling me about him i started to do the same. We finish up of course he wanted to pay and head to his car (a big black jeep) and head to the acting course. I realised i left my purse in the cafe so we chucked in a uie (going from one side of the road to the other) and quickly drove to the cafe and picked my purse up, luckily no one stole it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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