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It's been a week since the whole dead body thing and neither Aces group nor the little chambers got credit for finding it. Summer was now over and that meant school was back in. Which was just one more thing that was stressing Valerie out. She's been out of it lately and her friends could certainly tell.
"Everyone in my 1st period class sucks." Valerie Whined, applying her 2nd coat of lip gloss in the crowded halls. Jess stared at her in annoyance while the rest of her friends gave Val a sympathetic look. "I'm in your 1st period class"

"Yeah, I know."

"So you and Eyeball? What's up, any smooching going on?" Diana asked, twirling a piece of her brunet hair around her finger.

"More then smooching I can tell ya that" Jess answered which lead Valerie to pinch her friends arm. "Well it's true,ain't it!" Jessica whined, rubbing the spot where her arm was now throbbing. It's not that Valerie didn't wanna tell her friends what was going on but she just didn't wanna jinx what her and Eyeball had so far.

"Doesn't matter." was Valerie's only reply before gathering her books and pushing herself out the halls towards the exit door. 7:10 and she wasn't feeling so good. For the past 2 weeks she's felt sick to her stomach and being in school wasn't helping  so Valerie decided she deserved a break an she found herself in search of a specific someone and she knew just where that person was at.

Walking into the dimly lit bar Valerie quickly saw who she came to see, it wasn't hard actually. He was one of three people inside the bar at this hour. "How'd I know you'd be here?" Val asked, quickly taking a seat in one of the vacant stools. " Where else would I be?" Ace asked, puffing a cloud of smoke in the air.  " I don't know, hugged up with some slut" Valerie asked, earning a chuckle from Ace.

"Shouldn't you be in school or somewhere sucking Eyeballs face off?"

"You're a real asshole you know that?" Val asked before snatching Ace's drinking from the counter and finishing it for him. "Actually I was looking for you." Ace raised questioning a eyebrow in her direction, confused on why Valerie would be in search of him out of all people, it's not that they weren't close but it was still weird. "Well you found me.."

Valerie wasn't sure if she wanted to go through with what she came to do. She knew Ace was the wrong person to come to for things like this but she had nobody else to tell, she didn't wanna tell the girls and the rest of the guys weren't an option. Ace was her only hope because she knew he wouldn't sugar coat anything, Ace had no filter. And she needed the straight up truth at the moment. Valerie took a long inhale and finally spit her words out.

" do you think Eyeball loves me.. like really loves me."

Valerie's question took Ace off guard, Ace probably would've burst out in laughter if he didn't see how serious Valerie Davis was. Ace didn't wanna admit but he had a small soft spot for Val. She was like a little sister to him.

"umm I don't know. It's hard to tell with that prick. You know him" Ace replied, awkwardly. "Why? Why don't you just go talk to him."

Valerie just needed to hear somebody else other then herself say that Eyeballs feelings for her were actually real. " Do you think he'd love me no matter what?" She asked, Ignoring Aces previous question.
"What the fucks up with you Davis. You're acting bat shit crazy." Before Ace could question Valerie's weird behavior anymore she sprinted out of her seat and dashed out the bars entrance. She had to get this over with she was tired of procrastinating. Valerie found herself at the Chambers residence and she knew there was no going back. Without knocking, she walked right into the house, the door was always open.

"Why aren't you in school kid?" Valerie asked the small Chambers boy who was sat in front of the Television with a bowl of cereal in his hand.  Chris looked up, slightly startled by the girls presence but sent her a shrug before continuing to eat. "Ay, is Eyeball here?" She added.

"In his room, he should be awake." Chris yawned, carrying on with his show. This was the earliest Valerie saw any of the Chambers up  and it sure was a sight.

"Ritchie..you in there?" Valerie asked knocking on Eyeballs bedroom door. Once she heard her invitation inside she slowly walked in and closed the door.

"Goodmorning, beautiful" Eyeball smiled. He stood up from his laying position and planted a kiss on Valerie's lips. She gave him a forced smiled which he quickly picked up on. "You aw'right, Val?" He asked

"Ritchie.. i gotta talk to you"  Val strained, her hands started to sweat and panic was taking over. She wasn't sure if this was a good idea anymore.
"Ritchie? What am I in trouble?" Eyeball laughed, Valerie never called him Ritchie unless she was joking or she was really serious, and by the look on her face she wasn't in a joking mood.

"I got something to tell you.."She murmured.
"Oh can't it wait? I wanna tell you how my night went" Eyeball laughed. " Me and Fuzy went out to the bar last night and we sa-" It wasn't that Val didn't wanna hear his story but she had no time, she was sure what she had to say was a hundred times more important anyways.

"Eyeball listen to me!" She yelled a bit louder then she planned to do. "I- Eyeball I think I'm pregnant.."

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