First Kiss (Tony Steve Clint)

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Tony/Iron Man -
Tony being the king of one night stands, you found it very hard to trust him. You had only been dating him for a few weeks but you already felt a connection you had never felt before. You had never properly kissed, you only ever gave each other quick pecks on the cheek and he kissed your forehead occasionally but you were okay with this because you knew he was taking it slow with you.

That's what you liked, knowing he wasn't just thinking about you as a one time thing. He really wanted this to work out.

One night, you and Tony were watching a film whilst cuddling. You were sat in between his legs with your head rested back on his chest whilst he had his long arms wrapped around you, keeping you close. You were watching a scary film. You hated it but tried to sit through it as Tony picked it. You picked the film last time and made him sit through a chick flick so it was only fair. You weren't very good with horrors and you felt a little uneasy.

The film felt like it was going on for ages. As you watched, the main character went upstairs in the creepy abandoned house "oh for god sake, don't go upstairs!" You shouted at the TV and Tony chuckled "shh". All of a sudden a body fell from the attic and you screamed, turning around to bury your face into Tony's chest. He chuckled again and hugged you tight "it's not real" he said "I don't care" your words were muffled as you didn't move your face.

You sat like this for another 20 minutes of the film. You didn't want to watch anymore, you decided to try and distract Tony from the film.

"Tonyyyy" you whined, looking up at him, placing little pecks on his chin "shh, I'm trying to watch the film" he moved his face to see the screen. You continued to kiss his chin, inching closer to his lips. This got his attention. He looked down at you but said nothing. You moved up a little so your face was level with his. His eyes never left yours except for the short glances at your lips. You had his full attention, he inched closer to your face. The space between you were was nearly nonexistent. His lips brushed yours softly. He then pulled you in, giving you a hungry, passionate kiss, breaking all tension in the room.

As you kissed, you could hear violent screaming coming from the film. You broke the kiss, smiled and turned back to watch the film like nothing happened.

Steve/Captain America-
You and Steve had been dating for a month today. He was taking you out to go dancing, just as you did on your first date. You felt you knew him now. You knew were very happy when you were with him, no matter what you were doing. You also knew that he was very shy when it came to physical contact. He would hold your hand and hug you, but he felt like he couldn't kiss you just in case he messed things up.

You had dreamt about kissing him but you didn't want to scare him off by making a move. So at the end of dates there would be a long hug, and if you were lucky, a quick peck on the cheek.

You had spent hours getting ready and picking out an outfit for tonight's date. You were finished just as Steve arrived. You opened the door to him and a big bunch of your favourite flowers. A huge smile appeared on his face "you look beautiful" he said as he handed you the flowers "thank you very much" you invited him inside while you put the flowers in some water. He was looking at all of your family photos on the wall when you walked back out.

"You look very happy in these" he pointed out "yeah, but I don't see my family much anymore" you became sort of down "I know how that feels" he walked over and hugged you. You looked up at him, his blue eyes twinkling. He leant in but stayed still, almost frozen out of shock. He was making a move!

His lips grazed yours but you couldn't wait any longer so you pulled him into a deep, meaningful kiss. He pulled away with a huge smile on his face. He looked at you for a second before kissing you again.

Clint/Hawkeye -
Clint wasn't one of those touchy feely guys. He hardly made eye contact with anyone but you respected that. You didn't really expect an assassin to be loving. It was only a couple of weeks into your relationship, before you were best friends. Inseparable. It's still the same now. You never leave each other's side.

One night, Clint had slept on the sofa at yours. You weren't really on that level of sharing a bed yet. You could hear his snoring from your bedroom. He was very loud and you couldn't sleep. You stared up at the ceiling not knowing what to do. You decided to get up and get a drink.

You made your way to the kitchen where you could see Clint. One arm hanging off the sofa with the other rested on his chest. You smiled to yourself but remembered his horrendous snoring. You sighed and walked over to him "Clint" you whispered "hey Clint, stop snoring" as you said this he stopped. You nodded satisfied but as you turned to walk back to your room he started again. You sighed once again before turning around and getting to his level. He stirred but didn't wake up.

"Hey, stop it now" you tapped his cheek but he continued. You were out of ideas. You sat there for a minute. Then a smile appeared on your face. You leant closer to his face, you pecked his lips. Teasing slightly. His lips began to search for yours. You pecked his lips again. This time he pecked back. You smiled and kissed him properly. You felt him kiss back and you placed your hand on his cheek. You were certain he was awake now so you pulled away to see him looking at you with a tired look "stop snoring, goodnight" you smiled and pecked his lips again before heading back to your room.

A/N - sorry I haven't updated in two days, I've been really busy but I'm back now!

Please leave suggestions on what you would like to read as I really enjoy writing them.

I hope you're enjoying so far!

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