How You Meet, Part 2. (Pietro, Natasha, Loki)

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Pietro/Quicksilver -
You'd had a long night tossing and turning, you just couldn't sleep. You knew this would make working the next day very difficult. In the morning, you put your clothes on backwards, could hardly do your make up and burnt your toast...all three tries. You were ready to give up already and it was quarter to 8 in the morning.
You sighed to yourself as you waited for your bus. You flicked through your songs on your phone until you found the perfect song.

Your bus arrived and you went to work. You work as a florist. Arranging the flowers and getting rid of the dead ones. It was a fairly peaceful job. Which is the worst thing when you're tired.

As you arranged a bouquet for your customer, you struggled to keep your eyes open. You managed to cut your finger, more than once, in the space of 3 minutes. You smiled as you exchanged the flowers for money, placing it in the cash register.

You went back to putting flowers in their assigned buckets "roses, lilies, daffodils" you spoke quietly to yourself "sunflowers..." You looked around and couldn't see the bucket for them. You stood up and stepped back for a wider look. You finally found it...above the rest. You couldn't reach that without a step ladder. You groaned as you knew this wouldn't go well in your state.

As you went to find the ladder, you heard the bell on the door ring as another person stepped in. You brought the ladder back and placed it where you needed it. "Hi, can I help you?" You smiled "oh, no, I'm just browsing" his rich accent strong in your ears. You nodded and resumed placing flowers in the correct buckets. You stepped up the ladder until you could reach the sunflowers, you dropped them in and made your way back down, as you got to the second to last step, you missed it and fell backwards.

You closed your eyes as you were expecting to hit the hard ground but instead, the stranger who was at the other end of the shop seconds ago, was now holding you in his arms. You heart was beating very fast out of shock. He placed you on the floor and you turned around "woah you're fast" you stared in disbelief. All he did was chuckle and say "you're welcome" before leaving the shop.

Natasha/Black Widow -
You had just joined S.H.I.E.L.D and it was your first day of training. You were nervous because you had never really been good at anything. That's what the training was for but you were still very scared of embarrassing yourself. You looked in the mirror as you out on your catsuit and nodded to yourself. "You can do this, Y/N, you'll be fine" you told yourself before leaving the changing room. You stood in the huge hall with other people who had just been taken on. You looked down the line. Male, male, male, male, male, male, male. No females. You were the only one.

The doors opened and Director Fury, followed by two agents, walked in. "Today is your most important day in the life of working for S.H.I.E.L.D, there is no better opportunity than this" Fury began. "Today we will determine whether you are fit to be a perfect agent" he nodded to one of the women standing with him "Hello, I am Agent Hill, and this-" the other stepped forward "this is Natasha Romanoff, also know as, Black Widow". They continued to speak for a good, solid 20 minutes about what it takes to be the perfect agent. You rolled your eyes at the males making out that they were so much more than you.

"Let's begin...You!" Agent Hill pointed directly at you "you're with Black Widow and you" she pointed to one of the men "you're with me" she smiled and he swallowed hard. You were very nervous. Natasha's eyes didn't leave you. You walked over to her and introduced yourself. "Are you ready, Y/N?" She asked with a grin and you nodded, scared for your life.

The training went on for hours and you were drained. You headed towards the exit with you bag over your shoulder. Before you could step out, Natasha said "you're were very good today, I'll be looking forward to seeing you soon, Agent Y/L/N" she smiled and walked out the opposite way.

You left with a huge smile on your face and you were excited to see her again.

Loki -
You had been assigned to watch over Loki, God of Mischief and Lies, Thor's adopted brother. You had long wanted to meet this guy after what happened in New York. You wanted to give him a piece of your mind.

You entered the cell block and headed up to where they held him. You stepped inside and nodded to Clint as if to tell him you were there to take over and he could leave. He picked up his bow and walked out, closing the door behind him. You looked at the glass in front of you to see Loki sat reading a book. You had been informed that he can trick you into thinking he was doing something when he could be doing something completely different.

"Loki, I am Agent Y/L/N" you stood with your hands behind your back. He turned around with a cheeky smile on his face. He closed his book and placed it on the table next to him. He turned all the way around to face you "ah, finally, someone I can enjoy looking at" he smirked. Your face stayed motionless but a little more unimpressed.

"What's with the sour face?" He chuckled "I don't find you, or anything you do, funny, in fact I find you despicable. I hope they never let you out!" You sat down where Clint had sat previously and stared at Loki. All he did was grin and say "I like a woman with fire and passion, I can see it burning in your eyes, at this point I would usually insult you poor midguardians but're different" he smirked and resumed reading his book.

You couldn't help but smile a little when he wasn't looking. However, he could see right through you. He is a God, after all.

A/N - sorry these were a little longer than the others but I hope you're enjoying so far.

It's 10 to 12 and I'm so tired but let's see if I can complete the next part. Woo!

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