One: Candlelight Dinner

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                I sniffed heavily, as the aroma of sautéed garlic and onions rose around the small kitchen once I tossed the spices onto the hot pan. Cooking never fails to lift up my mood, though tired coming home from the university, I swiftly made a dinner for two and managed to find the wine corkscrew that have been missing for hundred years.

                  As a finishing touch to the mini dinner-date set up on the corner of the circular glass table, I perked up the romantic warm lights and felt satisfied with my creation. This little space of apartment is one of my prized possessions, a comfort zone amidst the stressful ambiance of the city. I glanced at the clock and it showed 7:12, meaning I still have time to get myself ready.

                I rushed into the bathroom and stood in front of the mirror. A fair skinned lady, wearing a pink floral sundress in the mirror stared back at me. I smoothed the disheveled wavy brown hair into place and re-applied my cherry lip tint. My amber eyes beamed with joy and enthusiasm as I made a last glance.

And for the ‘nth’ time since our first date, I still feel so excited that my heartbeats automatically hastened at the thought of it.

I immediately logged on to my Skype at the laptop in front of me as I sat. He video-called instantaneously and before I answer, I made a final glance into the table set up I did and finally remembered to light the candles. After doing so, I pressed answer, and there I saw Adrian flashed on the screen… smiling ear to ear. 

I think my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

It’s our 16th month together, though we have never really been together.

He looked seemingly different, so I initially uttered a question, “Hey am I seeing this right? Or is that just some new special effect?” He smiled upon hearing what I said, showing off his perfect white teeth. I realized he had a haircut; his lousy-just-tousled hairstyle is replaced with a clean layered cut styled into a light pompadour. He finally answered and said, “Oh. Do you mean to say, you’ve fallen in love with me again for the 412th time?” I laughed at the statement. Despite the 500 miles distance between where I am and where he is, I could still feel his overwhelming presence as he teases me.  We continued this kind of fun and light sweet conversation until I break the flow with a serious question.  “Do you think this time would be a success?” then suddenly the air felt eerie as I waited for his response. He looked down, and it took moments before he came up with an answer.  “Hm. I don’t know.”

It was a disappointing answer for me. I was hoping for a positive response but I really can’t blame him, seems like bad luck is the pal of our relationship. Every time we plan to meet, something always happens along the way. First, his family moved in a farther place, and then there was his brother’s accident next was my internship and list goes on and on. Life seems to create all sorts of excuses for us not to meet. What would it be this time?

We are the like the same poles of the magnet that never meets.

We’ve gave up at several points, thinking that maybe everybody else is right. Maybe long distance relationship would not really work and we’re just making a fool out of ourselves yet each time we try to let go of each other a strong wave of force always pulls us back in. In all honesty, Adrian wasn’t really my type of guy his gray eyes twinkle with an unnerving amount of cockiness and confidence. He had some “snake bite” piercings and a total of six earrings when I first saw him; I just managed to let him take them down one at a time through tiresome pleading. He likes blabbering about himself and just pretends to listen when I tell rather interesting stuff. Too add more to all of that, he’s a downright bipolar, he could be all sweet and fancy one minute then the next he seemed like a ravaging brat who doesn’t accepts criticism.

 Yet, despite all his unsettling qualities I couldn’t really stay away from him. I’ve grown to care so much for him, disregarding my needs at times. He may come off as strong and self-assured but I know that inside his firm façade, is a susceptible and easily hurt ego.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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