Nothing Left.....

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I woke up with Kyle leaning on the wall with Eve, head on his lap and Christian just staring at the wall when I got up Kyle gestured me to sit down and asked "how did you get rid of him?" I looked at the sword right next to me "I used this" I picked up the sword and showed it to Kyle and he said "that's the lights sprit's sword you got there!" "He used it in the great dual with the dark sprit" Kyle said in amazement I looked at the sword a it shone light at me, and I asked "why does it flow when I am near it?" Kyle replied "the sword chose you because you are destined to destroy the dark sprit once and for all" and we just sat there none of us spoke a word until Kyle said "we better get moving Christian got up and helped Kyle pick up Eve she was barely alive... I kicked the dungeon door open and we saw was Castle Xalvador in ruins fire,dead bodies everywhere, we all stared in horror at what used to be Castle Xalvador expect nothing is left...

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