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Me and Kyle and Christian and Eve were running as fast as we could and we saw Knights scattering all over the place we made to a dark dungeon Kyle got a stick and lit it "this is were we used to keep prisoners" Kyle said walking through the dungeon there were spider webs,skeletons on the floor and the smell was horrible! Eve almost puked, as we were walking through we heard yells,and screams Kyle said "we need to keep moving there is something out there, and we need to get out of here then we heard a voice "not so fast" then in a flash a arrow shot Eve in the leg she screamed in pain.. Christian and me ran over to her but we were both flung back at the wall Christian was knocked out cold I got up and saw Kyle fighting Bryce with a sword Kyle slashed a blow to his chest and he was pacing backwards then he went back to him and stabbed him through the arm and he fell down out cold like Christian then he came over to me and raised his sword I closed my eyes then I saw a glowing sword next to the skeleton I grabbed it quickly and stabbed it through his chest he screamed and teleported away and I dropped the sword and blacked out...

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