Chapter 25.

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*I already apologize for this terrible filler chapter x'D*

Also, please answer the question at the end of this chapter? ^_^


"Everyone got everything?" Sir Brown asked for the third time.

The whole class mumbled and nodded a little.

It was around noon. The whole class had been gathering in front of the school to wait for the touring bus that was going to take us to the camping place.

"Alright, please form a line and get in the bus. As quiet as you can." Sir Brown stated as he made sure everything went smoothly. He and Pete got in the bus last and Sir Brown checked the names list one more time before the bus went off.

Apparently the trip to the camping place would take five hours. Five. Whole. Hours. In this stupid bus.
You sighed leaned agains the window with your head, trying to get some more sleep. But half the class was way too excited to shut up.

"Ellie, you want some candy?" Riley asked as she tapped on your shoulder. You turned to her and raised an eyebrow, "We barely moved an inch   and you're already asking me if I want candy?"

Riley shrugged, "Yeah." "I'll take some Skittles." you smirked and Riley reached in her backpack and tossed you a package of Skittles.

"Sir Brown! I gotta take a piss!" Tom yelled from behind you. You turned around and kind of hung over the back of your seat, "Can you not?!"
He raised and eyebrow, "Whatcha gonna do about it?"
"I don't know." you stated, "Punch you in the stomach so you'll wet your pants."

"Ellie, shut up." Riley chuckled, "I don't want you to get in trouble before we even get there."
You narrowed your eyes at Tom and said, "I'm watching you." And you sat back in your seat.

"God, you're such a child." Riley joked as she patted you on the top of your head. You shrugged, "I have just decided to not give a fuck anymore. Especially when it comes to Tom, he's been terrorizing the whole class for months."


"Stop doing that!" Riley hissed as she turned around. Tom was kicking the back of our seats for fifteen minutes and you promised Riley you wouldn't punch him. But you really wanted to.
" We could just sit in the aisle." you suggested when you felt another kick in your back.

Riley nodded and the two of you got out of your seats, walked a little to the front and sat down on the floor. "Problem solved." you smiled.


"Ellie, Riley, why are you sitting here?" Sir Brown sighed, "What did you do?"
"We didn't do anything." you stated, "Tom was kicking our chairs."

Sir Brown sighed again and mumbled, "Always causing trouble that guy."
"Anyway, I'm glad you didn't do anything to him, Ellie." he continued.
Riley snorted, "She wanted to, but I told her not to."
Sir Brown let out a small chuckle, "Thank you, Riley."

"Are we almost there, Sir Brown?" you asked as you looked out the windows. He nodded, "Yes, so please get back to your seats. It's only five more minutes."
You mumbled a few things but went back to your seat.

A few minutes later the bus arrived at the camping spot. It was pretty big and there were a ton of small wooden cabins, like you always see in those high school band camp movies.
Everyone got out of the bus, grabbed their bags and formed a messy circle around Pete and Sir Brown.

"The cabins are big enough for four people, so I made a list." Sir Brown stated and he started reading it out loud.
Luckily he put people together that were friends, but guys and girls were separated though. Obviously. No teacher wants to be the indirect cause of teen pregnancies. Ain't nobody got time for that!

You, Riley and  Isis were the only ones in a group of three, which you all didn't mind. Isis was one of the girls that didn't really fit into any of the groups in class. Just like you and Riley.
The three of you dropped your bags on the beds and Isis immediatey started unpacking her stuff and placing it in one of the closets.


"I just love fries and burgers." Riley stated as she shoved another piece in her mouth. "Same, same, same!" you cheered.
Dinner was made by the cooks that were from the accomodation, and according to the menu you'd gain a few pounds in these few days. Oh well, classic school camping food probably.

"Yo Sir Brown! Come sit at our table!" Riley joked as he and Pete walked by. "Sure, why not." Sir Brown smiled and he sat down next to her.
Riley's eyes widened and you bit your lip, trying not to laugh. Pete sat down in front of you and smirked.

"I think this is a good idea." Sir Brown said, "After all, this is a trip to get to know everyone better. And get along with each other."
"Might as well give the right example hm." Pete added with a chuckle.

After quite a while, most of the student headed back to their cabins, Sir Brown had told us to get a good night sleep, because tomorrow we would have a lot of things to do.

Isis was already back in the cabin and you and Riley decided that it was time to brush your teeth and go to bed as well.
Riley was already in bed and you were doubting if you had to go to the toilet or not.

"Just do it." Riley mumbled. "Alright, alright." you snorted.
You grabbed a flashlight, because the lights in the area were pretty dull, and you tried to find the bathrooms.

"Are you lost?" you heard someone say from behing you. You startled and turned around, "God damnit Pete!"

He laughed a little, "What are you looking for?"
"Bathroom." you stated. Pete took your flashlight and pointed to the left, "Right there."

"Thank you." you smiled and walked off.
You noticed that Pete was walking next to you.
"I have a question." he said, "Tomorrow eh, do you want to be with me or against me?"

You looked at him, a little confused. "What are you talking about?"
"I can't tell you everything, but Sir Brown and I are both picking our own team tomorrow and I wanna know if you want to be in my team or in Sir Brown's."  Pete stated.

"Why are you asking me?" You asked. He shrugged a little, "Well, we promised each other to not make this trip awkward. So better safe than sorry."
"Fair enough. Uhm, can I let you know tomorrow morning?' You asked as you stopped in front of the girl's bathroomdoor.
Pete smiled, "Sure!"

"Okay, I'll come find you before breakfast. Which cabin are you in?" You said.
"Number 3." He replied, "But make sure you be there after 7:15. Sir Brown will be gone by then."
You chuckled, "Alright, see you tomorrow morning. Good night, Pete."
"Good night Ellie."


Question of the chapter:

Do you guys want Ellie to join Pete's team or do you want her to compete against him?

I have ideas for both options, so it is up to you what she will pick!

Please comment what you would like!
I'd love to make the next few chapters a bit 'interactive'  and let the readers choose some options!

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