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I have a chapter ready and I kind of want to post it, but I'm not sure if I should. I'm going to post once a week because that seems reasonable enough. But I've posted plenty of times since my hiatus and I don't know if I should post this.

Now there will be 2 more chapters, and then there will be a time jump. The time jump will be 10 years. These 2 chapters are going to make or break the future for them. If Andy and Ashley have one more fight, the absolute worse could happen. Or to make up for all their fighting, I could do smut. Hmm, the choices. This is going to be the worst 2 chapters that you'll probably read because of the drama, but it will be mind blowing and unfortunately, I will leave you with a cliffhanger.

The reason for that is because I've planned to start back the killing in the second chapter. Well the first chapter too, but the second one is absolute brutal, and it's a shocker, or may be. I don't know. But I've changed the number of chapters, so you're welcome, maybe.

Also, on a side note, if I post these 2 chapters, this is the catch, I will not post next week. Reason being is because I'm working on the next 2 stories that I'm going to post. 1 being the who done it, and the other being another andleyXkellic. 😳🙀 yes, another AndleyXKellic.

So these are the ships and people who I have so far. (Note: don't want to do a ship or know one, it can just be people.)

1.) Phan

2.) Andley

3.) Kellic

4.) Austin & Pamela

5.) Bret Von Dehl

6.) Mike & Alysha

7.) Tony & Erin

8.) Alex

9.) Jack (those 2 are separated for a reason)

10.) Brendon Urie

11.) Gerard Way

12.) Frank Iero (again, separated for a reason.)

So those are 18 people and if this is enough, then it will only be the first 18 days of December and the story will end on my birthday. Unless you want more gruesome kills and more mystery, then I'll need 13 more people. The first chapter of this will be posted November 30th, it'll be an introduction and nothing special is going to happen. Like just a meet up, maybe a fight, who knows.

Now the AndleyXKellic is going to be kept quiet because I want it to be a surprise. The thrill, the kill, the agonizing tension of it all. It'll be amazing. Sooo, that's all I'm going to say. So anyways.........





~Morgan :P

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