He Fell from Heaven

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Violets' P.O.V

I wondered down the hallway with my hair in my face. Tears filled my eyes yet none spilled over. As I passed the cheerleader squad, one called out, "Hey you ugly cunt, go slit your wrists, it's not like anyone cares!" The group burst into laughter and I just walked faster down the hallway. What have I ever done to them? Is it because I look different? Is it my clothes? I thought as my heart filled with sorrow.

I heard loud footfalls coming from behind me, but I was too scared to see who it was. I quickened my pace and whoever was following me did as well. I wasn't looking up, so I didn't see the man in front of me. I ran into him and looked up; it was Brett, one of the jocks.

"Hey there Sweet Cheeks, why the hurry?" he murmured, pinning my arms to my side and pushing me up against the brick wall. The people who were behind me circled around as Brett raised my arms above my head and pinned them against the wall.

His retarded friends roared with laughter as they watched Brett lean against me and rub his nose against my neck. My tears slid down my face like a waterfall. "Please... no," I begged. I knew what he was about to do. I could feel his smile as he kissed my neck.

I struggled with all my might and I still couldn't pull free from his lock hold. His gang moved in a closer circle around me with dark smiled on the faces. I whimpered and without thinking, I kneed him in the groin.

He let me go immediately and cupped the area. Brett’s eyes were filled with pain. He narrowed his eyes at me, reaching out to grab my arm. I took my chance and ran past his friends and down the long hallway towards the school doors. "You bitch! You'll pay for this!" he shouted after me.

I ran all the way home, praying my mom and stepfather weren't there. I jogged down the driveway and saw no car. I opened the front door and slammed it after I was inside. My tears ran down the side of my face, leaving black stains down my cheeks. I ran to my room and threw down my bag angrily. I screamed with frustration and looked at the mirror on the wall. I burst into more tears and screamed once more, Maybe they're right! I thought, and then I punched the mirror. The glass shattered and my knuckles began to cry, shedding crimson tears.

I whipped my tears and I ran to the bathroom with my blade in hand. I turned on the facet and wet my wrists. I grounded my teeth and drug the knife across my, pale tender skin. A lone tear escaped me, and trickled down my chin. No one will ever care about me! I thought in anger, dragging the blade across my skin over and over again.

Little did I know, my guardian angel stood behind me, his arms extended as if he were reaching to hold me. His eyes were filled with pain as he watched me inflict pain on myself. He wasn't allowed to stop me from harming myself though; he was only aloud to prevent others from harming me... He hovered his hand over the knife, wishing he could stop it, knowing that if he did, he'd be breaking the rules.

A pool of blood covered the white tile floor and was splattered on the wall. My arm was numb and I felt a little light headed... Blood continued to ooze out and my angel was frantically trying to find a way to stop me. Screw it! He thought and he grabbed the knife out of my bloody hand. He suddenly turned visible and his snow white wings turned pitch black. So this is the price I pay for trying to stop the person I love from hurting herself? He asked himself, rolling his eyes.

I didn't notice my angel at first just that I was dizzy and the knife had been pulled from my hand. I started to sway and I almost fell on the blood covered floor, but he caught me, my fallen angel. He held me close and whispered in my ear, "I will never let you get hurt ever again..."

*Just if you were wondering, when he became visible, he feel out of heaven. I don't know if it's any good so please let me know what you think I should add, thanks(:*

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