Chapter 2: Sebastian's POV

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Chapter 2: Sebastian's POV
"Wes and Riley"

I looked out the window. Bane had invited me to his party tonight, but I said no. I wasn't good around people. Heck 2 years with Bane and I can hardly kiss his cheek without blushing. It's better if I don't go anyways, I guess Garson and his goons would show up and I wasn't ready for that.
A bird flew by. I wonder what it's like to fly? To be able to soar high above the world, and forget everything for a moment. Is a cloud soft? What does freedom feel like? How could it feel to fly? To feel the wind whip in your face, to smell the forest or rain. God birds are so lucky. Why can't I have wings like them? It's not fair that I have to stay here on the yucky, mucky ground and the get to soar in the crisp, clean air.
I sigh and look down at my books. I was trying to finish my novel, but all the stress lately has me at a stand still. Right now the main character, Demetri, was torn between staying with his girlfriend, and going back to the magical world he grew up in. He has no idea which to choose. If he chooses the magical world, he looses his beloved girlfriend, Brittany, but gains his family. If he chooses Brittany, he looses his family and in 15 years he turns to dust. His being is made of magic, and only the magical world can keep him in one piece. As a writer, I felt just as confused as the main character and as loving as the secondary character. I actually was torn between which he was to choose. Maybe I should just write two different endings, that way I don't have to be torn between one or the other. Oh, but that's a lot of work that I don't want to do.
I groaned and sank into my desk chair, spinning a little as I did. I turned just in time to see my phone turn itself on. I pick it up, Bane had texted me.

Babe, I luv u and wanted 2 wish u goodnight right now cuz later I might b 2 wasted 2 do it. Luv u

Well at least he was honest.

R u wasted right now? I text back. I watch the ceiling as I wait for his response. Diiing.

Ive only had a few I roll my eyes and text back.

Well luv u 2. C u tomorrow. Nighty night Bane

I tossed my phone on my desk, it bounced off the edge and hit the lamp, night table, and finally the floor. I winced and picked it up. Not a scratch. I smiled to myself. I'm so amazing sometimes. I looked out the window again.
The dogs were chasing each other in the yard. I got up to let them in the garage. My brother, Conrad, was laying on the couch watching a Batman movie.
"Your dogs are outside Con," I said. He turned to look at me.
"Let them in then," he replied.
"They're your dogs not mine."
"So you aren't letting them in?" I shook my head. "Good I hope they freeze to death." I gasped and went to the back door.
"Wes, Riley! Come here boys!" The black lab and border collie come bounding into the house. Riley, the border collie, had his tongue flying every where. I laughed as Wes's big paws slapped the earth and made him trip. Wes is still a puppy, big head and paws, long, skinny body. Riley is only a little older, his thick fur sheds everywhere all the time. I walk back to Conrad.
"Happy, I let them in. Now scoot over and let me watch," I say. He reluctantly sits up to let me sit. Riley flops onto the rug, while Wes drank water and drooled it all over.

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