You're Sick

486 7 1

Dedicated to soccerfreak87

Enjoy xx


Ang's POV

I kept tossing and turning throughout the night and decided that I wasn't going to get any sleep.

I looked at the clock and it read 3:25 AM and that the time was ticking by and I wasn't drifting off into a deep sleep like Liam was.

I rolled over onto my side and looked over at Liam, peacefully sleeping before he has to get up later this morning to go to the studio and record the next album.

Deciding on not waking Liam up, I threw the covers off of me, put on some slippers and headed downstairs to the couch to watch TV and hopefully fall asleep.


After watching a couple episodes of Keeping up with the Kardashians, I checked my phone and saw the time 6:15 AM.

Realizing I was never going to get some sleep, I decided to make some tea and make an early breakfast for Liam since he was going to be awake in an hour or two.

Liam's POV

All night long, I felt someone twisting and turning in the bed but I didn't think of anything. 

Waking up when my alarm went off, I opened my eyes and realized that Ang wasn't sleeping next to me.


Normally, she's fast asleep next to me with no worries.

I decided it was probably time to get up and get ready to head out to the studio to record with the boys and make sure the next album is ready for release.

8:45 AM

Heading out the door after eating breakfast, I haven't seen Ang anywhere. I decided to call her name and check every place in the house where she possibly could be.

I checked the spare bedrooms and the downstairs basement couch, but couldn't find her anywhere.

It was getting too late, so I decided to leave it and leave for studio. Leaving for the studio, I decided to call Ang later today and see where she had gone during the night.

Ang's POV

1:32 PM

When I woke up, it felt like I had slept for a century. It was the greatest sleep I've ever gotten but realized I had been sleeping for eight hours.

Looking up, I knew Liam wasn't going to be home for a couple more hours so I got up off the couch and make some late lunch, but before I could stand up all the way, I got a major headache and it felt like I was going to pass out.

My nose had been running since three o'clock this morning and I felt like I was coming down like a cold, most likely.

I decided to get up, sacrifice myself and head to the bathroom where I could grab some cold medicine.


Relaxing after taking the cold medicine and some food in my tummy, I was sitting on the couch sipping on my cup of tea when I get a phone call.

Liam Payne 

I didn't think of anything so I answered.


"Hey babe," he answered, "how are you?"

"I'm great, how are you?" I said.

"Good," he said calmly, "but babe, you sound sick? Are you okay?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2015 ⏰

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