Niall's little sister (request)

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Growing up in Mullingar, Ireland is a blessing.

Not a lot of people get to say they've been there because not everyone is familiar with such a small place.

Being Niall's little sister had a few quirks.

Having the last name Horan and having a famous older brother made Uni a bit harder but it was worth it because I was a proud little sister and I wouldn't change my life for anything.

Isabel's POV

Hi! My name is Isabel Horan and I'm 20 years old.

Growing up with two older brothers is great, but when it comes to boyfriends, it gets hard.

They crush my chances of EVER having a boyfriend.

Only being a year and a half apart in age from my brother Niall, had its ups and downs.

I was able to have a close relationship with my brother but also, it meant we shared basically the same group of friends.

When Niall went to the X factor, I gained most of his friends at the time and a couple of his guy friends and I had flings here and there but nothing to serious because we all knew how Niall would react if he saw one of his best mates kissing or even holding hands with his little sister.

Having Greg and Niall as older brothers, they taught me how to stand up for myself and hit someone once in a while if I had to, which my mom said 'it's not lady like to fight someone' while my dad just encouraged me.

I never had that sister to teach my from right or wrong, so I just went along with my two brothers and kind of ignored my mom with the lady like talks.

~A year after One Direction is formed~

After One Direction was formed, all the families went to meet each other and watch the boys' first show at Madison Square Garden.


Especially for a guy from a small place in Ireland, this was BIG.

He was basically travelling around the world carrying the name Ireland on his shoulders.

It really showed everyone that they weren't some place off to the side from London and those places.

~At Madison Square~

Watching my brother have the time of his life up on stage with four of his best mates really made us proud.

Before the show, I was meeting person after person. From the Malik family to the Payne family to the Styles family and finally, to the Tomlinson family.

Each family had a girl and I was glad because I finally could gain a sister and be able to have that sister that every girl wants.

I met Gemma, Lottie, Fiz, Phoebe and Daisy and they were all great.

Going through the boys, I met Zayn, Louis, Harry and lastly Liam.

Watching Liam on the x factor once was great. He's an amazing singer.

But seeing him twice and seeing him IN PERSON was even better.

My brother was going to get to sing with him.

'Fangirl moment'

'Calm down' I thought. 'It's just a normal guy named Liam Payne.'

I talked myself and told myself to be calm and normal before I go talk to him and make a big deal out of this.

~After the show~

The show was great! I sang along to all the songs and didn't miss a beat.

During the show, Liam kept looking up to the area where I was sitting and kept winking.

I felt like we had a great connection but I knew we would never be able to date because of Niall.

Niall wouldn't allow his little sister to date his best mate.

Backstage, I met up with Liam again and we talked a bit.

"Hey Isabel!" Liam called me over to where he was.

"Hey Liam! Great show!"

"Thanks!" Liam said shaking his hair full of sweat.

"Gross mate," Niall said walking towards us, "Don't get my sister sweaty. That's just gross."

"Sorry mate," Liam said, "But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do."

I started laughing.

These two got me laughing so hard I almost peed my pants.

We all hung around a bit and chatted it up.

After a while, it got to be around ten o'clock when we all started to get hungry.

Niall and the rest of the crew wanted to go get Nandos while Liam and I were going somewhere else.

I was walking out after changing my shirt from having Liam's sweat on it when I heard Liam talking to my brother.

"Chill mate," Liam said, "it's not going to be a date."

"It better not. That's my little sister."

"I swear Nialler. Calm down."

"I. Will. Not."

I completely get where Niall is coming from, being my big brother and all, plus when I dated his one mate, it was terrible and I think both of us wanted to forget the moment.

"I'll take good care of her okay?"

"Okay," Niall said relieving his anger, "but you better not try anything."

"I won't. I gotta go meet up with her. She's probably waiting."

The two boys split apart and I went up to Liam.

"Ready?" He asked me.


And we left the stadium out into the city called New York.



Thank you emoffical5 for requesting this imagine!

There will be a part two if needed/wanted :-)

Thanks guys!


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