Wed, May 1st, 2013

42 1 1

I have some of the bestest* friends! I'm not going to name them, but they are awsome! One guy seems kind of mean, but he is really nice once you get to know him. The next guy is the guy I'm going out with, he is really nice and treats me right :). Then the girls. Here we go. The first is like me, and she is my laughing/weirdo buddy! The next is pretty cool, been bffs since fourth grade! The next is so funnny, but get on her bad side and she will hurt you! The next is a musical prodogy, watch out canadas got talent! And last but not least is my artsy friend, she can draw anything! I didn't write about ALL my friends, only the ones that I hang out with A LOT.

I cosider my class like my second family. We spend so much time together! Thirty hours a week. It doesn't seem like a lot, but it is. And we work together so often.

Well that's it for now, maybe I'll post something alittle later

Bye bye

*yes I say 'bestest' don't judge, and don't start with the 'its not a word' crap. It is a word in my world.

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