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It's my 6th birthday. Mummy and daddy is in the kitchen cooking my favourite birthday dinner and birthday cake. I couldn't contain my excitement.

I sit at the table, with a pink birthday hat resting atop of my head and my little feet dangling above the wooden floorboards. I couldn't stop smiling. I've been staring at the kitchen door the past 10 minutes, waiting for mummy and daddy to come in. Finally they enter the dining room with the same pink birthday hats atop their heads. Mummy is holding a chocolate birthday cake with something scribbled on top of it and daddy is holding a platter with chicken, lamb chops and potatoes on it.

I squealed with excitement. My smile growing larger, revealing a missing tooth.

"Happy birthday baby girl," mummy smiled placing the cake on the table and kissing my cheek.

"Thank you mummy. I love you so much." I smiled wrapping my short arms around her neck.

"Happy birthday, my little girl." Daddy picked me up and twirled me around, causing me to giggle uncontrollably.

"I'm not a little girl anymore daddy," I say the minute he finally sets me down, "I'm a big girl now."

"Oh, is little Princess Blake a big girl now?" daddy asks, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Yes, I am." I reply, copying his actions, causing him to laugh.

"Daddy, Blake is a big girl now. So she doesn't need bedtime stories anymore." Mum interrupts, teasing me.

I frown.

"No, I still want bedtime stories." I whine, causing both my parents to giggle.

"Alright then. So let's eat this yummy dinner and cake, then we can tell you a bedtime story, how does that sound?" Daddy asks bending down to my height.

"Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly, and quickly sat down.

* * *

After we ate my special birthday dinner, daddy and I both brushed our teeth together and mummy tucked me into bed.

I sit with mummy next to me, and we're both waiting for daddy to start his story.

"Alright," he smiles, "tonight we're gonna tell the story of Repunzel."

"No. Can you please tell the story about Cinderella again? Please daddy, please?" I begged. He chuckled.

"Okay then," he clears his throat, "Cinderella had an evil stepmother and stepsisters. The King wanted to have a ball and invited all the people to come. At first Cinderella couldn't go because her evil stepmother gave her lots of chores to do and she didn't have a dress. But then a fairly god mother appeared and gave Cinderella a beautiful dress and carriage and said she could go to the ball, but would have to return before midnight, or the spell will break."

"Oh, I know what happens next!" I interrupted, "Cinderella dances with the Prince but before she could tell him her name it was midnight and she left but her pretty glass shoe fell off. Then the Prince looked all over to find her and when he did he put the shoe on and asked her to marry him!" I finished the story.

Mummy and daddy smiled.

"That's right baby girl, and they lived happily ever after." Mummy added.

"Alright, bed time Princess." daddy said standing up.

"Goodnight Blake." mummy greeted me and kissed my head.

"Goodnight mummy." I smiled.

"Goodnight princess," daddy greeted hugging me, "I love you." he said making a heart with his fingers and placed it on his chest where his heart was.

"I love you too daddy." I replied, copying his actions.

"I love you baby." mum said sweetly and put my night light on, making little butterflies appear on my wall because of the light.

I blew her a kiss and she pretended to catch it and placed it on her cheek.

I lay down in my pink fairy princess covers and closed my green eyes. Falling asleep as I remembered the memory of today.

Then I woke up.

Heyyyyyyy guyyyss. Thanks for reading. This is my first fanfiction and I get my writing isn't the best, but please give me a chance. I promise it'll get better.


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