Chapter 2

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Tianna POV*

My phone buzzed, I yanked up my phone, my  sweet ring tone blasted through my bedroom, guess what? The caller ID was Bradley, just who I was about call .

Before I could say anything he blurted out.."Ay Tianna, can you please come around Rochelle just dumped me.  I don;t know what to do my heart never felt like this before".

I jumped out of my seat and left my half eaten plate of Chicken and Chips on my desk. I threw on my full Hollister tracksuit and paired it with some fresh white Jordan's. I dashed downstairs and screamed to Mum, "I'm be back real quick, I just have to visit Bradley, Rochelle dumped him".

My mum murmured something that sounded very similar to Bitch, I didn't have time to quiz my mum on what see said. I just dashed out the house and reached into my pocket and pulled out Bradley key, I unlocked the door, closed it. And proceed to make a Usain Bolt sprint up the stairs.

I sat there staring straight at him, suddenly his bedroom became lowly lit and seemed to stretch for miles. "Ehh Bradley, hush your noise, I'm look after you I going to get you through this" I embraced his body and let his head rest on my lap.

"I'm going to handle Rochelle trust me. I'm going to get her jumped. By the time I'm finished with her she won't even know what her name is". I murmured , using my hands to smash Rochelle's imaginary head.  Bradley just sat there quiet, his arms wrapped tightly around me in a hug. I rocked my body gently back and forth against his .At the mention of her name, his cheeks stained with a stream of endless tears. 

The door burst open.

"I knew your nasty ass was going to be here... You're always with him. Day and night. Day and night. Bradley this, Bradley that. Make Bradley your boyfriend Biatchh.". Reece slurred. This was a new side of him I have never seen.

We had eye contact for at least twenty seconds before I shut him down. Everything was so wrong about him he had two different pairs of air forces on, he clearly had just got drunk with his crew. Everything was usually flawless about him like his ice-blue eyes, but now they were bloodshot and made me almost sick. His crew was shouting behind him.

"Please leave, I love you Reece but Bradley not okay"

"Shut your FUCKING mouth, I didn't ask you to talk so buss out I'm talking to that nigga, not you stupid bitch" He pointed straight a Bradley, trying to test him with his eyes.

"Don't call her that she was just her to comfort me so don't start talking SHIT, when I'm here. I'm the best friend, you're the BOYFRIEND, don't piss me off with your nasty slick mouth. Why you soo jealous because I got a knife if you want to talk rubbish watch when you wake up tomorrow in hospital." He screamed obviously frustrated by Reece drunken speech, I gave him a sympathetic smile for protecting my honour.

He slowly reached into his pocket, and wrapped his fingers around the chunky pistol grip.

"Reece, stop you''re scaring me". He blatantly ignored me and continued to point the gun straight a Bradley, Bradley stood there fearlessly and challenged him with his eyes. As he lifted the weapon  the muscles in his arm strained as he levelled it up. He squeezed the trigger slowly with his finger. I pushed Bradley out of the way and take the bullet. Bang.

I didn't feel the bullet, all I heard was screams, Reece and his boys scurried out the door, like the pussies they were. 

I looked down only to find the blood oozing from my sides. The sight of this frightened me, I started to feel light headed. I lost my balance Bradley jumped for me and grabbed my body as it fell to the ground, he caressed my hands in his head. and I couldn't seem to get enough air into her lungs.  When I attempted to breathe, my left lung begin to squeeze, and my breaths were agonizingly painful and short.  Every breath was a  like knife turning in my lung.

Everything from then on was in slow motion and people sound as if I was underwater. 

The last thing I hear was, "911, I need a ambulance swear down she been shot". I could sense that Bradley was crying, with all the strength left I stroked his cheek and said "I''ll be alright".

My world started to fall into piece right in front of me , everything went black and I was knocked out cold

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