Chapter 12- Aria Hunter

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Alright a couple of days has passed since the whole chase episode and I am expecting him to do something big. He hasn't done it yet but I know it's coming. We have got a plan that will make sure that he will never see the light of day agin.

But right now I should be sleeping but I just can't. I am just staring up at the ceiling thinking about everything that has happened. I guess I finally drifted off because I was definitely dreaming. I was dreaming about that day.

"Claire, I know I've told you this so many times by you have to leave him"

"You know I can't. If I do he will kill me"

"As long as I'm around he's not getting to you"

"Okay fine I promise I will leave him. Tonight, I will pack up my stuff and leave"

"If anything happens to me, I want you to know that I love you so much and you have done so much for me. You made me see the bigger picture in life. You made me experience fun" I say

"As I said before, as long as I'm around I won't let anything happen to you" She says reassuring me that everything is gonna be okay by pulling me into a tight hug. "I love you weirdo"

"I love you too, nutcase" I say back and we both laugh.

Just as we are about to leave, I see him come out of his car obviously drunk he has a gun.

"You little bitch!, you told your friends. Now you must suffer the consequences" he says while pointing the gun at me about to pull the trigger.

"Nooo " Aria steps in front of me and I see her go down realizing he shot her. I see him coming closer so I hid behind the tree next to me. I see him slap her and punch her and kick her and I hear her screaming. He kicks her over and over and I can't hear her screaming anymore. Once I know that he's finally gone in his car and drove off I got over to her. I see her lying there and I don't think she's breathing. This sight breaks my heart. I have to help her. So I run over to her and put her in my arms.

"Ari?, Aria come on wake up! Please you can't leave me" I check her pulse to see that she doesn't have one and I brake down. "WHY? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO LEAVE?! WHY DID YOU DO THIS FOR ME. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!  IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!" I cry out in pain.

"911, what is your emergency "

"Please I need help, my friend she's been attacked. I think she's dead Please hurry"

"Okay m'am tell me where you are and we can come and get you"

"I don't know! We are at some old park. Can't you just trade my call please she's dying"

"Okay m'am we have traced your call and an ambulance is on the way"


The doctor finally came out of the room Aria was in with a shameful look on his face.

"I'm sorry, we did all we could to save her-

"Noooooo this can't be happening! You didn't try hard enough. This is all my fault. She died because of me! It should have been me"
A couple days later .....

"We are joined here today to celebrate this life of Aria Hunter" I couldn't hold back tears. I couldn't listen to the rest of what the priest just said.

"And now we have Claire summers giving the eulogy"

I went up to the podium. My voice keeps cracking because I am crying so much. "I can't believe she is gone. I will never forget all of the good times we had together. All the laughs and jokes. All the fights. Her smile, her kind Heart. She didn't deserve this, nobody does. But in my eyes she is and always will be my hero. She saved my life and I will never forget her for that. She will always be in my heart no matter how much time passes. But I have high hopes my dear friend that we will be together again. I will never forget you and I miss you like crazy" then more tears fell down my face. "It should have been me" I mutter to myself.

I wake up in a cold sweat screaming "ITS ALL MY FAULT". I remember that day as if it was yesterday. I meant all of what I said. She was to young. Because of me she will never get married or have kids or be a grandma. We will never get to grow old together. She will always be in my heart.

I look over at the picture I have of the two of us. That was the day she showed me how to live and I will forever be in her favor for that.

I love her and always will.

Hey guys! Short chapter I know I'm sorry.

I am actually crying right now. I wanted you guys to have a heart to heart with Claire.

The picture is of Aria Hunter.

Thank you for reading! I will update a real chapter soon.

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