Chapter 7- This Shit Just Got Real

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My coffee date with Jake went great. He said that his brother Sam - he's 11- was the one who bumped into me at the ice rink. He also told me things like what he's interested in doing with his life when he gets older and I told him the same. I am a little worried about Drew though because of his expression when I told him I had a date.

I lose my train of thought when Kayla knocks on the door.

"Claire, can I come in?" She says and I can clearly tell that she's happy by her tone of voice.

"Yeah come right in" I say. So Kayla comes in wearing a smile on her face and I know something is up.

"Guess what!"


"You know how you said you always wanted to be in a wedding?"

"Yeah why?" I ask curiosly

"Logan's getting married! And Emma wants us to be party of her bridal party!"

Logan is Kayla's older brother. "Really yay! I am so happy that they are engaged".

"Yeah I know right! Do you know how long it took for them to finally start dating?! It was so hard because my brother is a wimp. But if anything I am glad him and Emma are getting married". She says and I laugh at that statement.

"Oh and also there's something else..." She says

"What is it?"

"Ummm... Logan doesn't know about the whole Andrew thing so he wants you and him to walk down the isle together" she says this and I am taken back at what she just said.

"Oh, well then this is going to be one interesting night" I say sarcastically.

"Emma wants us to go dress and shoe shopping tomorrow." Kayla says and I groan.

"Fine but I am only doing this for her". I say.

We met up with Emma and her two other bridesmaids Katie and Jessica, and her maid of honor Tori.

"Oh girls! I am so glad to see you, it's been so long, how are you?" Emma says.

"We are good and how are you? Are you excited to be marrying my annoying big brother?" Kayla says.

"Yes! Indeed I am" Emma says back. "Let's get started".

We don't really get to pick what color, it's up to Emma and Tori.

"What about pink?" Tori says

"Hell no, not for a wedding" Emma says.



I look over to my right and see a beautiful mint green dress so I say "what about this?".

"Oh my god Claire that is gorgeous!" Emma squeals.

A couple hours later after we've all tried on the dresses, Emma finally decides that she wants to go with the dress that I originally picked out. Unfortunately we were also forced to get heels to match that are like four feet off the ground. I have never been a heels girl, I only wore heels to homecoming and that's it so hopefully this is not a disaster.
On Wednesday at school I go up to Andrew at lunch and ask to talk to him. He said yes so right now it's rally awkward.

"So what did you want to talk about?" He says with that smug smile on his face.

"Right.. Umm.. Logan is getting married and he wants you to be a groomsmen and walk with me down the isle, apparently he doesn't know that we aren't friends anymore so yeah will you do it? I am do this for them not you or me just so you know". I say proudly.

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