Evil Bitch

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Hello my lovely minions!! It's been awhile since I posted on here but that's a good thing. Lol I have so good and bad news for you guys.

The goods news is that Head Master is getting published!!!!! Yes it's being published and I am excited!!!! I just handle everything so it won't be released for a while but it will be published!!!!!!

The bad news is that I have to delete this book off of here. I know it sucks but i have. I'm not sure when will I be deleting this book but it will be soon. I only can leave two to three chapters up. 

I want to say thank you to all my supporters of this book. I greatly your support and all the feedback I received. It motivated me to write this story and try to make it good for you all. So thank you again.

Lastly, when I know the release date of my book and the prices and when I can share the information with you I will post on here and let you guys know.

Thank you again. Love you guys.

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