Chapter 4

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Ch. 4

16 years old

The sun wrapped me up in a blanket of warmth as the birds sang in the background. I sat immersed in a book, laying down on the grass, the scent of roses floating in the air. The cool, afternoon breeze blew around me, flipping my pages softly. Loki was laying down next to me, deep into his book. From the corner of my eye I could see that his brows were creased in thought. I smiled, he looked so peaceful when he was deep in thought. 

“Sigyn?” He looked up at me, tearing his eyes away from his book. 

I turned towards him, “Yes?” 

“I was just wondering.. Oh, never mind. It’s nothing.” His eyes flicked onto my face and then back to his book. 

I studied him, noticing how his eyes were trained on one spot, unmoving. Speaking softly I said, “You know you can say anything and I won’t laugh, right?” He didn’t glance up. “Loki?” At the sound of his name his eyes snapped up to mine. 

He sighed quietly, and sat up, facing me. “Its just..” A faint blush appeared on his face. “It was mentioned in my book. I was just wondering what you’d think..” He looked back at his book nervously, then back u at me again. “What do you think is the worst kind of love?” 

“What? I don’t think love is bad at all!” 

“Let me explain. In the book there are three types of love being discussed. They characters are arguing about who has it worse. The first one is Unrequited Love. You know, you love somebody and…” he looked down, took a breath and then looked back at me. 

“And they don’t love you back?” I supplied. 

He nodded, “Yes, exactly. Another is forbidden love. The two are in love but aren’t allowed to come out with it, for obvious reasons. Finally, the last type is Lost Love. They describe it as the type of love that everyone knows is there between two people, but there just isn’t any spark anymore.” 

I looked at him, a little curious as to why he was asking. “Which one do you think is worse?” 

He shrugged, “I don’t know. That’s why I was asking you.” 

I chuckled, and thought about it. “I guess I’d say unrequited love.. Because with the other two at least you know there’s  love on both sides. It might not be as strong as before, or even allowed, but at least it exists.” 

He nodded. “I thought you’d say that.” He turned back to his book and started reading. 

In my book there was a couple arguing about their wedding. They’d finally gotten together after years of war and separation, and were now fighting over what type of wedding they wanted. The woman wanted a huge wedding to celebrate the return of her fiancé.  The man, however, wanted a small wedding with only close friends and family to show up. He felt that their celebrating should be made only with the people that care about them the most. 

I turned back to Loki, wondering what he’d have to say. “Loki? Can I ask a question now?” 

He chuckled and winked at me. “Needed to hear my voice again, did you?” I rolled my eyes. “Kidding. Totally kidding. What’s up?” 

“What kind of wedding would you want? Would you want to have a big one or a small one?” 

“Definitely a big one. I would want everyone there. That would be the night where I would show of my beautiful wife. The one night where everyone else get’s to see just how beautiful and perfect she is. Her favorite flowers set up, her choice of food. Everyone smiling, genuinely happy for us. That’s the kind of wedding I think I’d like. What about you?” 

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