Chapter 6

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Ch. 6

Present Day

“We're going to Jotunheim.” Those four words kept echoing in my mind as I sat in my room. I couldn’t believe him. I knew him better than that. He wanted Thor angry, wanted him to want to go to Jotunheim. I knew that was his plan. The only reason I could think of why was the fact that it would make Odin become upset with Thor. That was Loki’s ultimate plan, right? Get Thor into trouble so that Odin wouldn’t make him king. It was sad, how desperate he was. Desperate enough that he would risk his own life. Loki wasn’t stupid, he’s proved that to me time and time again. But this plan was reckless! If he didn’t come back home safely, I’d kill him myself. 

What were the others thinking? Was I the only smart one to have stayed behind? Sif, and the Warriors 3.. Why would they go? I don’t even understand. They should’ve known how dangerous it was. If I’d gotten the choice, maybe I would’ve gone as well, who knows? But not because I wanted to. I only would’ve gone because I didn’t want them to go by themselves. Whether it’s fortunate or unfortunate that Loki insisted I stay behind is yet to be determined. As soon as I’d stepped forward to tell them how flawed their plan was, he’d stepped forward as well. He’d stepped toward me, looking into my eyes. Quietly he’d said, “You are not going. I don’t care if you want to. It’s way too dangerous. I don’t want you getting hurt. Please don‘t argue with me.” I was about to tell him how ridiculous he sounded telling me I couldn’t go because it was dangerous, while he was still going. The pleading look in his green eyes, and the concern so obvious in his accent made me stop. I’d nodded my head reluctantly, allowing him to go.

Now, I was beginning to regret it. Big time. They’d been gone for awhile. I know I should’ve probably told Odin, but I knew that would get them all in trouble and they’d already given me instructions not to. It scared me. What if they got hurt? What if they made a mistake and ended up getting killed? It was all too much to think about. Besides, I wasn’t a warrior. They were. They knew what they were doing. So why was I worrying so much? Because I knew that no matter how much Loki might want to be, he wasn’t a warrior either. He’d be much better off strategizing, than actually going into battle. 

I took a deep breath and sat down on my bed. I looked down and realized I was still wearing my dress. How could it be that just this morning I’d had it chosen out? Just this morning everything was fine. 

~ * ~                                                                 ~*~                                                                            ~*~            

“Time to wake up, princess.” I heard his accent just as clearly as I had in my dream. The curtains were thrown open, light beaming in mercilessly. I sat up in bed slowly, not ready to wake up. “You have slept in.” Loki pointed an accusing finger at me, playfully smirking. I threw the covers of my bed and got up. 

“So? I don’t have anything important to do today.” 

Loki chuckled, “I figured you’d need all day to get ready for tonight. You are a girl, are you not? Don’t they take forever to get ready?” 

I looked at him, faking angry. “Are you saying I take forever to get ready?” 

He raised his hands in surrender, “Of course not. I was just wondering. Don’t you want to look your ‘best’ tonight for Thor?” 

I noted  the small amount of jealousy in his voice when he said Thor’s name. “Of course I want to look good! But not just for Thor. This is a big night for all of Asgard. Yes, it’s a big night for Thor but tonight, I will be by your side.” I hugged him, trying to show him that he meant more to me than Thor. “You’re my best friend, Loki. You know that, right?” 

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