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Rage stood ineffective by the hit of robin's staff, for she was much stronger than she seemed. She then covered him in her black mystic energy, bring him up from the ground. "That really hurt.Ouch Robin"she sarcastically giggled . Robin couldn't move, for her strong black magic was restraining him. Rage enjoyed hurting others, it was like she fed off it." Leave him alone. Don't hurt robin! "Raven cried. She was useless in this situation. She hated feeling useless.

Rage levitated to the end of the building, holding him over it and laughing. Fire blazed beneath him and buildings crumbled.  "Okay Robin, I did lie to you. Right now Raven is inside of me. She's dying while I'm growing more powerful. Oh, you should hear what's she's saying about you right now " she continued to chuckle. His struggles was bringing a smile to her face.

"Let Raven go! I swear I will end you rage! " he threatened. His threats was no use though. She shook her head side to side. "You and her sound alike. Maybe you too was meant to be. "She frowned, "no Robin. This is the end for you." Suddenly the black magic disappeared from robin's body ,he looked at her in sudden fear as  He started  falling to his death. It seemed like Rage became a distant dark pebble as seconds went by. His heart began beating quickly and his breathing started to slow down. All the air over powering him suddenly.

Rage went into her dark portal, thinking nothing of Robin's death and soon disappeared again.Starfire came just in time to save him in mid air. She swooped down ,arms wide as he fell into them."Robin are you okay?"She asked quickly trying to fly him to safety. Her arms tightening around his waist.  "I'm fine."He was trying to figure out how to stop her. There had to be a way.

Beastboy helped the civilians get to safety as Cyborg and Hotspot tried to fight off Aqualad. It was fight to the death it seemed like. Rage's power caused aqualad to seem more powerful, just as Slade was when Trigon gave him powers.

" Come on dude, why are you helping her?"Hotspot asked as the impact of Aqualad's hit,sent him flying back ,running into a brick building. Flames and bricks came tumbling down on him, crushing him brutally. Cyborg tried to save him but Aqualad blasted him with a power  body of water before he had the chance.

Aqualad's expression was neutral; he didn't seemed relieved. This evil spell was eating away on his soul. Cyborg washed miles away into a dark alley. He began to stand up but his legs failed to respond. The water must have messed with wires. He let out a loud tired groan and began trying to fix the problem. He couldn't sit around all day.

The days pushed on and the titans were still unsuccessful in taking Rage down. She even had enough time to build her a hideout. Rage began assembling her army of demons, she grew tired of running around the city,why not make others do it?

She made them to be invincible .Their bodies were flaming red,and created entirely out of hell's fire. How could anyone get close to touching them?

Her plot was coming into play just as planned. She inhaled the air. "Slade, you visit me, why?"Rage asked. She wanted to smile but she decided not too.

Slade didn't realize that Raven had sensed his arrival from miles away; He had a very distinctive scent. He removed himself from the shadows and into the light.

"Is it that you're a pedophile and you have a thing for teens or are you still holding that deal over my head? "She asked as her voice grew sarcastic. She grew bored of his presence already.

"Raven ,I see you followed in your father's footsteps. I'm proud of you "he wanted to smile as well." Why are you here? I could just read your mind but I rather hear it from your own lips."she scowled, watching him in caution. She was always uneasy when it came to him.

"Very well, I need your assistance with something."He started," I want you to be by my side as we take over the world. Together ,raven we could go so far. People will cringe in fear at the sound of my name - our name. We could be a duo."He rants on.

"Don't they do that already?"she spoke loudly.

Rage knew better, Slade wanted to use her for his own good. Once he gets a chance to manipulate her ,he plans to take her power for himself. Rage smiled and nodded as if she was agreeing to his plan.

Slade smirked."I knew you would agree."

Rage came down from her arc ,slowly approaching slade in hatred that hadn't shown on her face. They stood body to body ,raven looked up at slade, hiding her face deep in the cloak. He towered over her but she didn't feel inferior. Her eyes grew red as she shook his hand.

" I think that's a great idea."


The titans grew weary from the constant fighting. Majority of the civilians were transported to a safer place,but some were forever lost. It was too late for some to be saved. "Robin where could she be?"Cy asked as he tried to take out the city's flames.

"She'll be back soon."Robin replied. " Where's Aqualad? "Robin asked him."He..I don't know , once I beat his ass he just disappeared. "

"Where's the others?"A familiar voice asked. Cy and Robin looked over at the masked figure. "Kyd Wykkd, what brings you here?"Cy asked. Robin watched him as though he was a suspect. End of the world or not, Robin didn't trust him.

"I'm here to avenge mammoth..that psycho bitch killed him " He grew angrier just thinking of how his friend died. "She's not here."Robin said with little to no emotion.

"You let her escape?"he asked furiously. "Some superheroes you are " he scowled. "Listen raven isn't here so look some where else. We don't need your  criticism right now. As you can see we are working on it, so fuck off!" Robin yelled ,his body up fury suddenly poured out. Cyborg looked at him in shock.  Was his leader really lose it or what.  He was stressed and  disappointed in himself.

"You guys chill. We're going to stop this " Cyborg assured.

"How Cyborg! How! She's a fucking demon. She will know we're coming from miles away. You can't get close enough to stop her."Robin yelled in frustration and anger. He was mad that he couldn't stop this from happening. He felt powerless.

" we just have to try Robin. She must have a weakness."


"Maybe Raven, I could let you watch as I kill Robin. I want you to have the front row seat. Since he's one of your lovers. "Rage mutters.

She didn't here any feedback from raven. She shrugged and continued talking. "Or you could watch him and I fall deeply in love. Since you can't do such thing. You could watch him love me Raven. Wouldn't that be the best raven?"she smiles. "Him touching me in places you could only dream of,right?"

"..I will stop this. You won't lay a hand Robin! "She managed to scream even though she was weak and dying. Raven couldn't stay in this prison any longer. She had to break free.

"Now you know what I felt. Forever trapped in a prison, aching to break free. To smell the polluted air of Jump city. "Rage deeply exhaled and smirked,"Well I suggest you get use to it. You'll be in there for a long time."

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