"My Dork"

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(A/N: Wattpad lost all of this so I need to start again and that's why this part will come out a bit later, sorry)

Phil was crying and screaming in his sleep. He looked so helpless. Tossing and turning with tears streaming down his face. It was almost like he was being tortured. I cautiously wake him up and he pulls me into a hug.
"Oh Dan," he cried, "I love you so, so much." I wrap my arms around him and kiss his forehead.
"I love you too, that's why I decided to marry you." I feel a slight smile begin to crawl on Phil's face, which was facing my chest. I kiss him again. "What was wrong Phil? You were crying you know." I ask.
"Well, in my dream. You, you died." He says softly. I start to understand.
"What happened next?" I ask again.
"I, I decided to go too." Phil says. Oh. I feel my eyes swell up with tears. Phil's watching me. I need to stay strong, for him.
"It was just a dream." I whisper. "It was just a dream."
(A/N: Shoutout to Emma for writing the rest if the chapter so yeah, say hi to Emma).

Today is the day. I get out of bed and practically skip to the kitchen. Louise is waiting there for me with a fruit salad made up. "Thanks, Louise." I say "I'm fucking getting married today! Holy fucking shit." I chuckle placing my head in my hands.
"I'm so proud of you two," Louise says patting my back and leaving the room. Mum, dad and Adrian walk in. Mum is already crying and I'm still in my pyjamas. Dad has tears in his eyes and Adrian is just standing there awkwardly. Mum walks over to me and sobs into my shoulder.
"Mum, I'm getting married, not dying." I mention but I don't think she can hear me over her sobs.
"Oh wow, so encouraging." Adrian giggles and Dad starts crying.
"Guys, it's not even 10am yet! We haven't even gotten dressed! Save some tears for the actual wedding!" I laugh and start walking to my room to get changed into my suit. I tie Phil's favourite one of my ties to my neck, brush my hair but leave it curly because we agreed that I have my hobbit hair and he wears his glasses. I put on my shoes, brush my hair and spray on some cologne. I walk into the lounge to find Louise, Zoe, Darcy, Troye, Connor and my family all dressed in suits and dresses. "Well then," I say, my voice wobbling as I'm on the verge of tears "Let's go!" A tear runs down my cheek. Holy shit. I'm actually getting married, and not just to some other person, to Philip. Michael. Fucking. Lester. We get into the fancy black car with red velvet interior and drive off to the venue.


Holycrapholycrapholycrap. He looks amazing. He looks gorgeous. He looks perfect. The way the light hits the waves in his hair make him look 100% prettier, if that's even possible. He's wearing the tie I loved. His wavy hair makes him look incredibly sexy. He's walking down the aisle with his sobbing parents either side of him. He's getting closer, closer, closer. He's standing facing me now. Holy crap this is happening. I feel like I'm going to throw up butterflies and implode. The priest starts talking,
"Dearly beloved, today we are here to witness the marriage of Daniel James Howell and Philip Michael Lester. Two shall become one as they are legally paired as Daniel James and Philip Michael Howell-Lester. If anyone here has anything against this marriage speak now or forever hold your peace." My heart was in my throat. If anyone were to object I would throw up. Then someone screamed out
"Me! I object!". Crapcrapcrap. More tears formed in my eyes as I looked out and saw who it was. Tyler. I wanted to scream. He already ruined me, and now he's trying to ruin my wedding.
"And why may that be young sir?" The priest asked looking Tyler dead straight in the eyes.
"Because I love Phil. He was just using Dan. He loves me as well. Just ask the little whore." He said. Tears stared spilling down my face.
"No," I managed to choke out as Dan wiped away my tears by placing his thumbs under the rim of my glasses. "I love Dan, no one else. No one can change that." Troye stood up, walked over to Tyler (who was his ex-boyfriend) punched him square in the face before he told him to leave and let us be happy. He walked out of the church with blood dripping out of his nose cursing and whispering nothing but hate under his breath.
"So sorry about that. Now where were we?" The priest asks as he motions to me to read out my vows. Ok, well here goes nothing. I hear sobbing and look over to see Louise reduced to a blubbering mess.
"To Dan Howell, aka the love of my life. The day we first met in person on that rainy day in October of 09 I knew instantly that I was in love. I made sure to protect you at all costs and when we broke up in 2012 because we were stupid and took our relationship for granted, I felt like dying every single day. Thank god we both realised how stupid we were being and made up or I don't believe either of us would be here today. You are my everything, the moon to my sun the air to my lungs and most importantly you are my best friend and I love you so much. I wish to grow old together, adopt kids, live a happy, strong life as a married couple. I love you more than words can describe. Dan Howell I'm excited to spend my infinity with you," I say as the tears slowly roll down my cheeks.
"And Daniel, now for your vows." The priest says as he gesture to him with a kind smile.
"Ok well, I don't think anyone or anything could top that (A/N HAHAHAH GET IT) but here it goes. Phil, I have loved you since the first time I saw your YouTube videos. The day you replied to my tweets I practically had a heart attack. Mum ran into my room because I had screamed so loudly she could hear from the neighbours house thinking I had been murdered. All I did was cry and I had literally never been happier in my life. We started talking and I fell head over heels in love. You were all I thought about and whenever we would Skype my heart would practically beat out of my chest. Phil, you are my best friend, my lover and my entire world. I remember everything from, 'Uma Thurman just watched me have sex' to 'I just met Phil and not all of the blood was rushing to my head, If you know what I mean.' You've helped me so much with everything these past years. I love you more than Kanye West loves Kanye West. And of course I'm doing this ironically and like totally no homo." He says and everyone laughs apart from Adrian who I think is still disturbed from Dan talking about the tweets. "But in all seriousness I love you with all of my heart and about a billion more. This is most definitely the most fun I've ever had" He nods at the priest as a sign that he is finished.
"Now may we have the rings?" He asks. Darcy walks over with the rings on a red satin pillow, she kisses both of our legs and runs back to Louise giggling madly. Phil takes mine and I take his. We put them on each other's ring finger. "Daniel, Philip, you may kiss the groom." The priest says as our lips meet. We kissed for so long that we ended up getting awkward coughs from Adrian, our parents and most of the guests. We pull apart and giggle slightly.
"I love you." I whisper.
"I love you too." He says back.


After all of the celebrations were over, we made our way back to our apartment still slightly tipsy from the alcohol.
"I love you so much." I whisper into his ear.
"I love you too, bear." He whispers back picking me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and he walks us over to the couch where he sits down. He grabs out his phone and takes a picture of him kissing my head. "Good time to come out?" He asks peppering my face with kisses.
"Mhm." I mumble. He posts it to Instagram and captions it with 'When your too tired to move after your wedding day 💕😴 @danisnotonfire.'The notifications go mental. He turns off his phone and shuffles so that we're lying down. He kisses forehead and whispers barely loud enough for me to hear.
"Let's go to bed, my beautiful husband." We stand up and make our way to our room. We strip to our boxers and put on old baggy t-shirts. He lies down and I put my head on his chest, drawing spiral patterns on his forearms with my index finger.
"I love you so much, husband." I say and am pulled into a chaste kiss.
"I love you more, husband." He says pecking my forehead.
"Impossible." I whisper before we are both pulled into the magical black abyss of sleep and dreams. His chest falls at a steady pace synchronised with mine. All I can dream about that night is that I just married the man of my dreams.


I wake up the next morning with the room decorated with candles, love hearts balloons and rose petals that lead to the bathroom. I open the door to find a bath being ran with a lush bath bomb in it. I turn around to find Phil but end up smacking our heads together. He giggles slightly but I can see that he was hurt. I kiss his head and wrap my arms around his torso. He walks us over to the bath. We both rid ourselves of our clothes and sit in the warm water. I rest my head on his chest as he sits behind me swirling patterns on my shoulders and chest with his fingers humming the tune of Endlessly by Muse and then Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. I close my eyes and listen to the tune of the song that we will dance to at the 2015 Brit awards and set our phandom on fire. He's such a cute little dork, but I don't care, he's my cute little dork.

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