To fall

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I opened my eyes
I saw nothing at all
A hollow space of deep darkness
I closed my eyes once more

An inward cold feeling
I couldn't even dare
I had no courage to face
This ultimate nightmare
Despite the sun did rise
There is no sign for light
I wondered if my eyes
Or my heart had lost the sight

Although my eyes were dry
I felt that heart ache
With my hands I realised
The stabbed cold stake
I opened my eyes once again
I felt no light but pain
No one to share the darkness
To show pity for my sake
And the world I used to see
Was it real or just a fake

That inward cold feeling
Returned the fearful thought
Of this nightmare I see
And the dreams I hopefully wrote
You were the special light
My eyes used to find
So when you walked away
My heart went blind

In that dark world one learns
To hear the lonely souls
To feel that delicate sound
Of a broken heart as it falls
And within the depth of darkness
it freezes and beats no more

That dark world resembles
A distant abandoned well
Despite losing the water
It's heart is wet still
The deserts around that well
Stretched the limitless thirst
And souls wandered around
No matter who'll reach the well first

No matter cause all these souls
Are wandering with no sight
Carrying a stitched heart
Tired of a long lonely fight
And as one come to end
One threw that heart to fall
And finally go back without
A broken heart that's too hurt
To mend and take any more

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