The Girl With the Pink Converse ~1~

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I feel like I am trapped all the time - given I am literally trapped in a basement underneath my captors house. I have no one to talk to, I haven't eaten in three days and I need to pee....BAD.

I could have had a worse time getting here. Maybe a worse time even being here. They could have raped me- killed me even. But they didn't. Maybe they wanted to wait. Or maybe they were planning to set me free. I doubted the latter and could only assume the former.

I didn't just appear down here. Obviously. I was kidnapped. I was asked for information pertaining to my missing father. And I was put downstairs in the cold, damp, dark. I was hungry and tired. I guess it would only be fair if I were to adress the situation from the beginning. The beginning, I suppose that qualifies from the time my father disappeared.

*Four Months Prior*

"Good morning darling." I turn onto my side in my king bed. Big enough for a sixteen year old girl. My father was sitting down at the light foot board; atop the light blue sheets. It was much to hot this time of year to sleep with a comforter.

"Ten more minutes." I buried my head in the soft down pillows.

"Up, up, up. We have lot's to do today. We must announce the engagement to the kingdom. And your cousin is take off to America today. We have to take him to the airport. We are the humblest of rulers." My father told me, quoting the last bit from a reporter from the east side of New London.

"UGHH." I sat in bed, the sheets falling from my torso. The engagement, I had almost forgotten about it. i was to be married to the duke of Winchester. Five years my senior, he was a perverted jerk. He was from America as was I. I suppose the only reason my father had arranged it to be. He wanted me to be attached to home, and to my long dead mother.

"Get up and get in the shower. I will have Mary set out your outfit. James will be here shortly." Mary - our maid. James- my now fiancee.  

"I tell you what. If you be good, then you don't have to come with me to the airport." I smile and kiss his cheek.

"Have fun dad." He chuckles and gets out of my bed.

"Take a shower with the strawberry shampoo. Jamie loves the strawberry shampoo."

"James, dad. James." He nods and closes the door. I swing my legs off the side of the tall bed. My feet barley touch the floor. I rub the sleep out of my eyes and stumble to the bathroom door. Ten minutes. That's all the time I have before Mary is shouting through the door about how she has left me my clothes and now she had to leave. I shouted back an okay and she shut the door to my bedroom.

The clothes. Not the items I would pick for myself. More what my father would want me to wear.  A soft pink blouse and a floor length denim skirt. I push those underneath my bed and take out some jeans and a gray tank top. And of course I wore my pink Converse. How could I not. They were like a princess trade mark by now.

"Cookie?" I called out for my Siberian husky  puppy. He pops his head out from the mess of blankets he has been laying in on my bed.

"Cookie-Pie!" He runs and jumps up on my legs. He was the only thing I was permitted to bring into the palace from my old life. I got him for a birthday present from my ex-boyfriend three days before my mother had died an left me  to come to England to be with my father.  

"Have you had any breakfast Cookie-Pie? I bet you haven't. Let's go." Cookie raced to the door. I open it and he flies down the stairs, three steps at a time. I casually descend after him. I reach the kitchen where he is waiting.

"Chives?" I call out for the professional cook.

"In here, princess. I'll be there in a minute!" He calls from the downstairs wine cellar. Th door is wide open.

"Come on Cookie. Let's get you some kibble." He barks softly and I go to the pantry to retrive the finest kibble that England has to offer.

"Cookie-Pie! Well good morning to you." Chives wipes his hands in his apron and bends down to pet Cookie-Pie's tummy.

"I've got his breakfast all ready." Cookie runs to me and sits at my feet.

"Roll over Cookie." He does as I tell him.

"Dance." He gets on his hind legs and jumps in a circle.

"Good boy!" I pour his food into the bowl next to the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"That's one talented dog if I must say so." Chives tells me. I wink at the fifty year old culinary artist.

"He's a magic dog." Chives smiles and puts a hot omelet and a cup of the best coffee in the world in front of me. I take a seat at the island were I was standing.

"This looks great. Thanks!"

"Still not used to be waited on hand and foot?" He asks me. I shake my head and dig in.

"Ah. There you are Aurelianna!" My father comes through the door.

"Yeah. I'm here." I groan. Today I'm just not up for my fathers cheerfulness.

"So when do you plan on being at the airport?" I ask him.

"Well. We are to announce the royal engagment at noon. So I presume I should be leaving around five." He hands me the newspaper.

"By the way. Would you care to explain this."

"Drunken Princesses Sober Thoughts?" I read the headline outloud.

"Yes. This article exactly."

"Princess Aurelianna shouts about her hate of England's 'Bloody people' and her 'Bloody Kingdom', Friday night in Greater New London. She is seen with her friends Marco and Val, both American visitors. The trio is seen at many night clubs and is pestered by many of the Royal families fans until she spat on our historic country. Speaking of how life of a teenager is 'a hell of a lot better in the Americas than it is in old fashioned England'. She also continues on with while England is stuck in the 2000's America is more modernized and more 2130." I read aloud.

"Just something." I stuff my mouth with a bite of omelet.

"You're under aged Aurelianna."

"You're over aged, Father." I'm not sure for what. Maybe being a father.

"Don't mess your life up because you mother was sick. Don't do it to your country."

"MY country? My God-damned country? I'm American. I'm daughter to Kayla Richardson. Single mother extraordinaire. I didn't even have a father until three months ago. I had a mother until three months ago. One who loved me. One who was my best friend. I didn't even know who you were until three months ago!" I drop my fork onto my plate with a lound clank and storm out of the room. Cookie-Pie follows me, confused.

"God. I wish he just diappeared." I yell into my pillow once my door is closed.

Now, let me tell you something. Be careful what you wish for.

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