chapter four - epilogue

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yoongi and jimin had been together in the underworld for almost ten years in mortal time. at first it was admittedly scary and uncomfortable for jimin, but he eventually got used to it. well, more like he got used to him. now, jimin couldnt imagine seeing any other eyes but those dark brown ones. "hey yoongi?" jimin smiled at yoongi as he walked up to him, hands clasped together nervously in front of himself. "hey jiminie." yoongi looked up from the book that he was flipping through, smiling slightly at the familiar boy in front of him. "something on your mind?" yoongi sensed the tension in jimins body.

"could- could you tell me how taehyungs doing? o- or do you happen to know if hes alright?" jimin whispered hurriedly, suddenly missing the warmth of his best friend by his side. dont get him wrong, he actually loved being with yoongi, he was a very sweet guy that jimin had grown to care for. but yoongi was naturally always cold. it just wasnt the same. yoongi smiled warmly and nodded, getting up and taking jimins hand in his own, "how about i show you?" he said gently, leading jimin to a different room.

jimin laced their fingers together and walked in step with yoongi, "y- you can show me?" he asked, eyes wide with curiosity. yoongi only nodded once and stopped his walking. he stood silently for a moment before quickly snapping his fingers twice between their two still figures.

suddenly, jimin found himself still clutching to yoongis hand, but he definitely wasn't in the underworld anymore. he was in taehyungs living room, he soon found out, and he could see taehyung sitting on the couch, arm wrapped around jungkook. "they cant see us, but we can see them." yoongi explained to him, gesturing to the happy pair in front of them. jimin smiled, eyes filling with tears. "hi tae." he whispered, even though he knew taehyung couldnt answer. jimin hadnt seen his face in so, so long.

jimins heart filled with joy at the sight of taehyungs laughter, and words couldnt describe how happy he felt. when jimin took a look around the room, he saw a photo hung up on the wall beside them. when he walked over to get a closer look, he saw it was one him and taehyung. they were smiling widely and taehyungs arm was wrapped tightly around jimins shoulders, pulling him in. jimin remembered that day well.

jimin wiped away some tears that had fallen from his eyes and turned on his heal back towards yoongi. he then walked forward and hugged him tightly. "thank you for this." he whispered in his shoulder. yoongi smiled and slowly returned the hug, "it was nothing." he chuckled lightly, fixing jimins fringe for him. "sorry jiminie, but we unfortunately must go. i only have a certain amount of time i can do this before they can see us, and that wouldnt be good." yoongi suddenly told jimin, grabbing his hand.

jimin nodded quickly and looked at taehyung for the last time with loving eyes. "bye tae, i love you, dork. best friends forever, right?" he whispered sadly to his best friend. and then, they vanished in a gush of chilly wind, returned back at yoongis fortress in only a split second.

when yoongi saw the slightly sad look on jimins face, his heart broke in his chest. "im sorry." he said to him. if he could, yoongi would let jimin go back to his normal life. but when you make a deal with the devil, no one can break the contract. not even the devil himself. "huh?" jimin looked over to him, confused. "sorry that you're stuck here with me. in this dark, awful place." yoongi said, head down. "i dont like it much either." he sighed, deflated.

jimin shook his head and walked over to him. "dont be. i like it here with you. its nice. well, you make it better actually. theres no place i'd rather be." jimin smiled, chuckling lightly. yoongi looked up and smiled back with wide eyes, "really? w- well, you make it a lot better down here for me too. I haven't been this happy in centuries." yoongi replied quickly, smile still on his face as he remembered how sad and lonely he had been down here before jimin had come around.

and even though jimin will forever miss taehyungs loving warmth by his side, he now had yoongi. and that was all he could ever ask for.


a/n so thats it! the storys over! i hope you enjoyed! a sequel maybe....? (thank you all for the love/support you have given this lame ass book. ily all)

lots of love, namjoon1994 !

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