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Lucy POV

Lucy walked down to see Sir with Susan to let her go to see her aunt. Susan was livid. I came to help keep her calm as she tried to persuade Sir to let her and I go. I knocked on the door and told Susan to stay calm. Sir opened the door and sighed when he saw Susan again.

"Susan, I can't let you go without supervision AND without parent consent. I've already told you this."

"If I got my mum on the phone right now to say I'm allowed to go, can I?" pleaded Susan

"Go ahead. I highly doubt you can call her though. IF you can get her on the phone to talk to me and IF she says yes you can go, simple as that."

Susan smiled. "Ok. Good thing I have this then."

She took out her phone and switched her sim card to a different one. On the new sim card was some French writing. I smiled. Of course Susan had a French sim card. And I bet that card will let her make international calls as well to her family at home. (When I was in Paris we got one so I could call and Skype my friends and family.)

Susan punched in her mums number and hit call.

"Hello mum?"

"It's me Susan. We're in France and I asked if Lucy and I could go see Uncle Françios and the teacher said yes. Next day I'm ready to go and he says no. I need parent consent and I can't let go without supervision."

After pause Susan says

"Ok." Susan hand Sir the phone and said.

"Mum would like a word with you Sir." she smiled.

Sir lifted the phone to his ear slowly and hesitated before saying, "Hello?"

"I'm sorry Ma'am but...

"It against the school policy and..."

"Excuse me. How dare you speak to me like that."

"Ok Ma'am your daughter and her friend can go to your sister's house for lunch, provided that if I call Susan or Lucy she will pick up the phone."

"Fine Ma'am. Good bye."

Sir handed the phone back shaking.

"I've never be so insulted in all me life."

"Well we'll see you later Sir. Bye."

Susan dragged me towards the door and started laughing. I smiled and thought of the times Susan's mum had insulted people to get want she needed for herself and her family including me. I was a part of their family. Especially because I had a secret only Susan's family knew. I was adopted by Susan's mum when my dad walked out on them and my mum fell into depression. The whole begging to go thing was a front to stop people from guessing the truth. I didn't know why I didn't want to tell people. Maybe I didn't want the pity. Maybe I didn't want the school to be whispering rumours about her. Maybe I'm a little insecure about the whole thing, but most importantly I have a family that I could rely on. I can see the reasons why Susan loved this place. Paris is a beautiful place. The history, architecture may not be as old as Greece but it holds just as much personality and history. I admire that.

So Lucy finally saw the heart of Paris. I hope you all enjoyed this story. This story holds a special place in my heart as my experiences and thoughts about coming to Paris and see my family were similar to Lucy's. I wasn't as keen as I made out to be at home. Once I got there I loved the place and everyday it would just hit me. I've climbed Le Tour Eiffel, L'Arc de Atriomphe. I've walked in the gardens and palace of Versailles. I've met my Great Aunt and Uncles. I've met three of my mums cousins. I've lived the life of a typical French girl during the holidays. I've cooked with mum an Aussie meal of a steak on the BBQ and homemade Laminations and Anzac biscuits for my relatives in France. This story is dedicated to my family in France and everyone who is an immigrant. I'm Australian and I was born in Australia but can switch to French in a moment. My first language in French since I spend so much time with my grandparents who have lived in Australia for nearly 40 years and still haven't learn't English. I speak English more then French now because of school but I love the fact that I can speak French, English and I'm learning Japanese in school. Bye guys, sorry I rambled on for so long and I'll see you soon.


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