Not you again

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Hey guys, it's jackfrostluver here! There's like only one sisters grimm fanfic on Wattpad so i'm making one! Yay! Enjoy and comment please!


"PUCK!" I screamed.

"Yes Grimm?" Puck said trying not to laugh as he looked at me.

The freak baby wrote on my face in permanent marker... AGAIN!!!

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO ME! I'M GLAD YOU'RE LEAVING IN A WEEK!" I burst out, not being able to control my anger.

I ran as quickly as I could after my outburst. I fled into the forest where I first met Puck. As annoying as Puck is, I must admit that I'm falling for him, and that's why I must distance myself from him. He's leaving with Uncle Jake in a week to go wherever the wind takes them. He'll forget about me and I'll be completely miserable, even more than I am now.

After a few minutes, I heard the soft flapping of wings. Puck.

"Grimm?" He asked cautiously.

"What do you want, Goodfellow?" I asked angrily.

"I want you to forgive me. I want to be friends." He whispered.

Suddenly, I became furious.


I turned and ran to a tree house my dad and I built using magic. Well, we had some help from Daphne because neither of us can use magic without hurting ourselves or others.

My tree house was three stories. One was a lounge where I went when I needed to be calm. Another was a room filled with my favorite things for when I needed to be cheered up. The last was the most private and only I had the key to enter it. It had a small door that lead into an amazing, huge, and modern bedroom/ apartment. I stayed there to get away from all of this life. The rest of the story was filled with my favorite books and movies. I went into my other room and just grabbed my favorite book and read.

It had been about two hours when I heard a knock on my private story's door. Cautiously I peeked in the peep hole. Puck was standing there.

I opened it carefully.

"Hello Puck, why're you here?" I asked.

"I came to apologize. I know that you're upset about me leaving, and in a way I'm upset that I'm leaving. I have to leave you behind, Grimm." He said, staring intensely into my eyes.

"Why would you miss me? You hate me." I scoffed.

"Because, Grimm. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. I love you more than I love Kraven the Deceiver. You saw that we're married in the future, it's destiny Grimm. We were meant for each other. Can't you see that?" He said tearing up.

"Is the Trickster King crying? Over a girl?" I teased.

"Yes, Grimm. Yes I am." He said seriously, his eyes burning into mine.

"I love you more than anything too, Puck. I'm going to miss you so much." I said, crying so badly I couldn't control it.

Puck picked me up and set me in his arms, pulling me close to him.

"Grimm, I won't ever leave you. I may be physically leaving you, but I'll always be with you." He said without a hint of humor.

It warmed my heart knowing that I'd always have Puck.

"You really mean that?" I asked.

"Does it look like I'm kidding, Grimm?." He asked.

No, it doesn't.

"Here, this is a promise ring. Promise me that you'll always be mine." Puck said.

"Only If you'll be mine." I say back.

He slipped the ring on my finger and delicately tilted my head up. He looked into my eyes and then leaned down. Our lips touched, and there was static electricity in the air surrounding us. We were-are- meant to be together.

For ever and always.

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