What happens now?

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We kissed a while longer before we broke away and started to pant.

"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Break up with him. I love you, Grimm. I'll be damned if someone takes you away from me. You belong with me, not that jerk face." Puck answered.

"Really? Jerk face? Your insults are getting lame." I laugh.

"What's wrong with 'jerk face?" Puck asks, confused.

"It's childish, Puck." I giggle.

"Whatever! So, will you break up with him?" Puck asks, more serious than before.

"I probably will. I just need to let him down gently. He's a nice guy, but deserves someone better than me." I smile.

"Does that mean that we can be together?" He smirks.

"Yes, I believe it does." I smile.

"Thank god, I was really going to have to hurt him-" He begins to say before a cry for help cut him off.

"Help, please! Oh god, please help me!" A crying girl screamed.

"Puck, we have to save her." I yell before jumping out of his arms, hurtling towards the ground.

It wasn't going to hurt too much, it was just about ten feet in the air. I aimed myself towards a willow tree so I wouldn't hit as hard as I would've on the road.

"SABRINA!" I could distantly hear Puck scream.

I barely heard him, I was focused on helping that girl. I was a Grimm after all, and that's what we do.

I hardly had time to think about what was happening when Puck lifted me up and turned me around so I faced him. He carefully checked me for injuries, and when he found that I was safe, he crushed me to his chest and hugged me as hard as he could.

On impulse, my arms wrapped around his neck. I could hear his relief in his sighs. Being in his arms made me content, but I needed to help the girl. I had to.

"Puck-" I started, but seeing his face made me cut off.

"Why? Why would you scare me like that?" Puck whispered, stray tears flowing down his face. "Don't you ever do that to me again."

"I- I'm sorry. I... well I needed to help the girl." I splutter.

Suddenly I gasp. "Puck, she still needs help!" I cry out, trying to escape his grip.

"No, Grimm. Didn't you just hear what I said? Don't ever do that again. I'll fly us over." He said, more serious than I'd ever seen him before.

"Okay," I whispered.

We flew over to the direction the girl's voice was coming from. What I saw was weird, but not unexpected. Blue Beard was chasing a young girl. She was blond, about my hair color. Her hair is shorter than my hair was at that age. I'd guess she was eight.

Puck and I run to attack Blue beard. I have a dagger while Puck has an actual sword, and not his usual wooden one. I attack his back while Puck attacks his front. Blue Beard appears to be shocked, so I take advantage of the moment and knock him to the ground. I use some forgetful dust on him, and while he's dazed, Puck and I take him to the police station where they locked him up. We let the girl sit in the waiting area as we did so.

When we got to the little girl, we started asking questions.

"So, how did you run in to Blue Beard?" Puck asks.

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