Chapter 8

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Goel was talking but i couldnt hear a word he was saying. He doesnt love me.... i thought. Then why did he kiss me? to trick me? to try and fool me? Specially after all does years that we have been friends? Maybe he changed over the past 4 years? Maybe he never even cared.... "Gabbie you heard me?" Goel spoke. "Yup every singel word" i gave him a thumbs up. He nodded and truned away from me. Sarah was standing behind him facing me. i rolled my eyes and Sarah laughed.

"K" form the top" Goel spoke into the tiny microphone."She wears make up everyday but she doesnt need it, all she does is pay and pay, she is innocent" i sang the frist verse of my song. This song was called Mask it is about bullying basically i wrote it for one of my friends, she used to cut and she had and eating disorder... She died a long time ago and that was when bullying really became something big to me. the problem is though she never told me anythng, she kept all the things that went wrong with her a secert and i got scared for gym when we would change i saw all her cuts all over her body on her shoulders near her ankles and above her knee. She would call them shaving cuts but they didnt look like it. A month after that she died and her friends that she told that information to told me, i was heart broken....

"She wears foundation on her wirst on her stomach and on her hips she is blind she is mute she cant never see her the way we do she hides she is afaird, afarid she is gonna be taken away" i sang. Tears ran down my face remembering my friends laugh and her weirdness, and how she would act like nothing was wrong when there is something really really worng with her. The room was extremely drak and i wouldnt see the figure standing next to sarah. "Take off the mask" i finished the song and the lights came back on. The figure that was standing next to Sarah was Harry. He shyly smiled at me. I didnt even dare make eye contact with him. Why was he even here?

The rest of the boys were having a stupid conversation about how cares. Sarah and Jenna Niall's cousin were also talking. That left me and Harry. i walked over to the couch and took my back pack. "I am gonna go and get lunch, who ever wants to come can come" i annouced. "I will come!" Hary rose his hand and foloowed me out the door. "So what are gonna go eat?" Harry asked jogging trying to keep up with my fast walking. "Harry what are you doing here?' I stopped in my tracks. :I came to apologize" Harry said. "About what?" i kept walking. "About everything... i mean you walk in after our kiss like it was nothing then you try and figure out what is wrong, you should already know....."Harry began. i just stared at him. "BUT the reason i did that was because i have a boyfriend and i shouldnt be doing that specially with you Harry, i dont want to ruin iur friendship or our ex-friendsship" Ikept walking faster and faster. "That is the problem, i dont want a friendship i want a relationship, were i can kiss you and not have to worry, were i can hold your hand and you wouldnt care at all! and Were you have a boyfriend that is me for once." Harry exclaimed. Tears swelled up in my eyes and i could barely breath. I cant do this... i know someone will get hurt in the end i dont want that to happen,i dont want to loose my friendship with Harry i dont. "Did you feel anything when i kissed you last nigth" Harry asked. The space between us decreasing. i shoock my head no. "I didnt feel anything" i wouldnt look at him in the eye. He cupped my cheeks and forced me to look at him, Tears ran down my cheeks and i cried. "I didnt feel anything" i cried. "Then why are you crying?" Harry asked me. "Cause Harry i feel really bad for Dennis cause i did this to him!" i lied. "I am gonna go back into the studio" i pointed to the building. Harry stood there wacthing me. Thinder clouds covered the sky and blocked the sun. Thunder struck and rain poured down onto the pavement. I heard foot steps going away from me as i entered the building.

It took me atleast 30 for me to get completely dry. "Gabbue, wheres Harry?" Louis asked me. "I dont know, i saw him outside" I grabbed a towle and dryed my hair. "OK you good?" Louis asked with some humor. i laughed. "Yeah i will be fine" hopefully i thoguht. I heard a familiar smell of cigarretes, i know what they smell like because of my sister she smokes and i hate smoking so much. i walked out of the room i was in to find Harry all wet and moist from the rain. His curls barely curls anymore dangeling from his face. His hood over his head. He was putting a box of cigarretes into his pocket. I looked at him his eyes met mine. "How would you, you know i hate people that smoke beisdes my sister" i almost whispered. "What are you trying to do Harry?" I asked him. He shrugged and rolled his eyes. "Trying to make you hate me, it would make everything easier that way" He spoke his voice deeper than before his nose bright red and his eyes puffy. He coughed. i just looked at him holding back the tears. He took out another one and walked out of the building i wacthed him light it and inhale the worst stuff on earth. I just wanted to rip the cigarrette out of his hand and squish it with my foot. But i wouldnt it is his body he can control it and if he wants to me hate him, i just wont talk to him.... Goodbye Harry

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