A week of ruling really tires a guy out

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It's been a whole week and I'm already tired of this. Being in control is driving me crazy. A job too big for someone my age too handle. If my parents were still around I wouldn't be dealing with any of this. Escaped rouges, avoiding humans, keeping us a secret, taking territory, and rouges seen in the area. The most I should be stressed out about is if I can beat a level in a video game or pass a test in school. Normal teens get to go to school. I have to stay inside the clan house and be taught of the clan ways and customs. I sigh knowing if there's anything I'm not its normal. I can't ever be that again after I turned fifteen and found out the family secret, but at least I can still pretend to be and that makes it a little more manageable. Every problem gets run by the king. Every decision is up to the king, I'm only 17 sometimes I can't even decide what cereal I want in the morning! That's not even a full adult. My head clouded with frustration I know well enough I won't be able to focus on anything else for the day. I tell my 2nd in command to take over for me. He agrees and takes my place while I head up to my room and slam the door behind me almost breaking it. Not on purpose but does it really matter now? The loud noise makes my little pet jump a bit but she relaxes when she sees it's just me. I push away all the negativity, for her, and force a smile and sit on my bed petting her soft grey ears. The smile suddenly doesn't feel all that forced anymore. One good thing if any that came out of becoming king was her. A gift, my gift, an adorable gift at that.

Like most wolves we put a chemical in their water so there ears and tail always show so we don't mistaken them for humans, enemies and even our own at quick glance. However I don't give the chemical to my little pet. She's obedient enough to know to stay in that form after being warned of the consequences. I had been a good trainer to her I believe because after all, she like everybody else needs to obey the king. Punishment for not following orders ends up with her being sent into her cage as a time out space. I've never really left her in the cage. She gets awfully upset and I don't like seeing her upset. I sigh and lay down on my bed relaxing, her company putting more nerves to bed.

"Are you Okay? You seem...stressed?" I sit up and hug her.

"I'm okay just a bit stressed from king things."I smile at her and she smiles in return. I love her smile. So cute to see her flash those pearly whites. I still remember when she was brought to me as a gift by my uncle. He refused to tell me where he found her but I know that it doesn't matter anymore asking him is a lost cause and I don't care to know now anyway because she's been the perfect gift. I fell for her the second I saw her as cliché as that sounds. Instant love at first sight and since then she has and always will be mines.

She starts to say something but pause's mid sentence before getting any of her words out at all. She's adorable when she does that. I don't think she notices but when she thinks or is confused her head tilts to the side a bit. It's adorable and reminds me of the puppies the humans are so obsessed with. Having that in mind I smile.

"Puppy." I say feeling how it rolls off of my tongue. She looks at me anticipating my next sentence but none ever comes. I had only wanted to say her name that I gave her when she first arrived. I wanted to say it just to feel the syllables on my tongue, sounding it out the way a child would upon learning how to speak for the first time. I tried to hold value to every letter, every syllable, every sound, every shape my mouth makes and every corner my tongue clicks itself against. She never said anything to me as I sounded her name out millions of times silently, in whispers or allowed. It never seemed to bother her. Then again she wasn't bothered by much. Yes, she was shy, reserved and didn't speak much but she doesn't cower in her cage for a month either. I really can't complain though I can only choose to admire and hate and with her I choose to admire. We balance out perfectly and if it weren't for the councils orders I would have had her as a wife already. Despite the past between her kind and my own the love I have for her will always amaze me, however I've found that I share that opinion because I am the only one who thinks so. The council strongly disagrees claiming our kind can never mix. If only they knew how special she is.

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