Koda's P.O.V

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"Well..." he said as he leaned back against the booth abandoning the little bit of food left over on his plate. I anxiously waited for his response his approval meant a lot to me he had been a child hood friend and for me to disappear for so long only to come back and dump all this crap on him this could go either way. The break of silence that couldn't have been longer then two minutes tops seemed to drag on for what seemed like an hour before he finally leaned forward again. "Well it's good to have you back man...this whole vampire thing kinda makes sense on why you acted so strange when we were kids." He nods his head as he talks as if confirming everything that's coming out of his mouth before a small grin played across his lips. "Also makes a lot more sense why a dweeb like you always had girls up his ass." To that I smile and my anxiety leaves me. Nothing has changed, we might as well be seven year old's sitting in the booth pooling our chore money to buy something after school.

"So does that mean your okay with everything?" I lean back in the booth now in total relaxation and relief.

"Yeah of course, your practically my brother what the hell am I supposed to do cast you out and forbid you from ever coming around here again? You're my best friend alright? That's not gonna change. Now we do need to talk about these issue's you've been having. I knew one of these day's my little brother would need my help again." he grins proud of himself and I chuckle shaking my head. I almost wish I would have came by sooner and talked to him. 

"Thanks man I knew I could count on you. So where should I start?"

"The girl."

I smile and chuckle "Of course you'd wanna start with the girl."

"Can you blame me?" he chuckles.

"Alright well I got her as a birthday present it's customary to give the new king a gift and this is a gift that a family member left behind for me. She didn't really have a name but she has the cutest little ears and tail so I call her puppy and she doesn't seem to mind it. I think she likes it. She is probably the most beautiful girl that I've ever met. She has the cutest little smile and the cutest laugh and she just looks gorgeous. She's the shy type and completely obedient to me but her type has this thing called a mate and it's like someone that their god created for them and It's supposed to be their perfect match and she thinks that she found her's it's some asshole werewolf who swoops in and seems all great and thinks he can take her for me and she's influenced easily by his alpha orders and I love her man. I don't want to lose her. Especially not to a fleabag like him. I just don't know what to do about him. If I kill him then she's gonna die a few weeks later because of their stupid mated bond." I explain trying not to throw to many terms in there because after all he may be my brother but he is only human and wouldn't understand some of the things the vampire clan runs on.

"Wow...I've never seen you so serious about some chick. She must be like seriously important to you." I nod. "Alright then so obviously this werewolf guy is bad news. Maybe we just have to make her see how bad this guy really is? Show her the him that you see. You gotta make him a monster to her. That way she'll have no choice but to come back to you. There's a few ways you could do that but you know if you ever need my help all you'd ever have to do is ask and you and me could sit down and draw out a whole plan if you want to. I got your back dude." He smiles and then picks up eating the little bit of food that he left behind on his plate when we first started talking. I stand up in the booth and give him a hug.

"Thanks bro. That's actually really helpful. I'll try to come back tomorrow if not then in a few days. Tell your old man I had to dash but that I said bye. And try not to give him a hard time will you? You know he doesn't deserve it." I smile and start walking out of the diner leaving my side of the payment on the table.

I started walking back to the house and back to my puppy. I can't help but smile. This was gonna be great my plan would work out perfectly she would see what a bad guy her little crush is and wanna be with me forever. The plan is great we just need to work on it a bit more. Develop it and make it full proof then it'll be good to go. I walk out of the human town passing a few human girls who giggle and talk among themselves and smile at me. I keep walking giving them no mind. I can almost see the boarders to exit the human town and I keep walking until i'm stopped by a man. It was the man outside the church that day that I met that kid with all the books.

" Child of the devil what is your business here? Why do you plague us with your spirit and haunt us with your crimes? Child of the devil you must leave and never come back! Leave now this is not your house to take over!" With each word he say's he gets louder and louder. I stop and stare at him shaking my head slightly before I begin to walk away. The man really was crazy. I can still hear his accusing screams as I walk away and to the boarder of the town. I step into the woods and pause looking over my shoulder to make sure nobody was following me. When I saw the coast was clear I continued on. This time instead of dashing home like I normally do i decided to walk and enjoy the forest. While walker a bit deeper in maybe about half way to the clearing mark I found a small bunch of wildflowers that I thought Puppy might enjoy so I stopped to gather some for her. A handful of white, yellow and purple flowers with a few blue and red one's I smile using a long blade of grass to tie it together. It came out poorly but still held the flowers together enough for me not to have to trap the thin stems of the small flowers in my hand as I walked to the castle. When I arrived I was greeted by the guards who smiled warmly at me and eyed the flowers already knowing and assuming rightly that it was for Puppy. When I get inside Mike was on the couch with a few of his friends from the pack house playing video games. They were a bit rowdy complaining about the kill score and death rate. I shake my head suppressing a smile as I go into the hall and climb the stairs to my room. Once at the top I open up the door to my room to find Puppy sitting on the floor legs crossed brushing her wet tail. When I step inside and close the door she looks up at me and gives me a small smile. I ruffle her still wet hair and smile sitting down on the bed watching her brush her tail.

"That was a pretty long shower. Did you like it?" I asked taking off my shoe's. She nods and keeps brushing. I give her the flowers and she smile holding them and smelling them and just staring for the longest time. So long in fact that I laid down for a second to rest my eyes and fell asleep. A bad habit I had gotten into ever since Puppy came around. Puppy would be fine though she'll crawl into her cage to sleep or curl up next to me here on the bed when she get's tired enough. She know's better then to leave this room without me or a trusted guard.

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