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Blurry. Everything was blurry. Nothing seemed to be as it should. It was almost hard to hear the voices dripping over me. Thick kinda like honey. It was calming, the way there voices sounded. Familiar but I couldn't make out who the voices belonged to. I know my eyes were opening slowly but I kept closing them the light bothering me. I guess the people were too busy talking to notice my eyes. I thought that was good for right now. I didn't want any more people fussing and touching me. It's good to be invisible sometimes. It's what I like, its what i'm comfortable with. The growl threw me off. I think it threw everybody off I dont think anybody was ready to hear such a big sound come from me. I hated the way they all stared but I have to admit...It felt pretty nice to let out. I never knew I could sound like that and it was really interesting to hear. Interesting and annoying.
"Don't be ashamed to say you like the way it made you sound powerful, the way it made you sound strong. Everybody was scared of you even the leech."
There goes the voice in my head. I thought I got rid of her after the growl.
"Get rid of me? Not that easy darling I'm stuck with you. I am apart of you. deal with it!"
"Get out!" I screamed and was almost immedietly greeted by the familiar feeling of a cold hand grabbing mines while the other hand reached over and stroked my hair. I opened up my eyes to see this time that I wasn't in the infirmary room anymore. Instead I was back in Koda's room laying out on his bed in pajama's. He was sitting right next to me looking like a complete mess. His hair was toussled as if he had run his hands threw it a million times, his smile seemed worn out and tired and not like the normal bright smile's I've seen him wear around me before. Even his eyes looked tired, releaved but still very tired.
"Puppy...Hey how do you feel? Do you need anything? Wanna go back to sleep?" He leaned closer and placed a kiss on my head. My head pounded and rumbled with the sounds of curse words and growls. I guess when she began cursing I flinched because Koda pulled me closer carefully. I was to tired to do anything besides sigh and lay in his arms. Eventually the curses and growls stopped and became silent. This new voice is just about the worst headache to ever happen to me.
"Koda...I'm okay. You look tired you should try to go to sleep." I smile up at him trying to hide anything but concern in my voice.
"Love, I dont need sleep remember I was just worried about you. I don't need anything except knowing that your okay." He scoops me up in his arms smiling and gives my head a little kiss. I smile back and close my eyes sighing. I wanna feel okay but somethings missing. A big whole in my chest opened up and hasn't closed. I hate this feeling. I want this stupid medicine to wear off already. I don't wanna feel like this anymore. I just want this feeling to go away and this hole in my chest to close up again. To be gone forever and just go back to how things were before.
"The medicine wore off a long time ago. It wore off long before you woke up here in this leeches bed. That feeling will only get worse. That feeling isn't going to go away till you go over to the holding cell and see your mate again. That's what that whole is. Go find him. Go let him know your okay and the feeling will go away. He's worried sick about you, you know. He knows you were hurt. He knows you blacked out. He felt it and not only that but I told his wolf we did. He knows and the torture you're putting him through right now is worse then anything that this leech can possibly force upon him."

I groan to myself. she hasn't lied to me yet. I think I should go seem him. Even if she's not telling the truth I wanna know if he's okay because he was incredibly nice to me when we met. He's very nice and I have a good feeling about him. I like him, and i'm not sure what about him I like but whatever it is my "wolf" seems to like him too. I know Koda won't let me go though. I'll have to ask tonight when Koda goes out on his rounds. Somebody will take me and if nobody does I'll take myself. I only wanna check if he's okay and apologize for making him worry. Maybe even see if checking up on him stops the feeling in my chest. I really hate it

Author's Note:
I'm sorry about the short chapter but I thought I would update a little something since it's been awhile since I've updated! Thank you so much for reading this far pleas continue to read, comment, share and vote on my stories it continues to make me super happy!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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