Why me???

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Cara's pov :
When I saw cam nd layla I somewhere felt that this isn't what it seems like but I can't help it .It broke me completely from inside to see my only love kissing someone who isnt me....after running away from cam I went to my secret place (I've mentioned before in 2nd chapter) and started crying so hard that I lost the track of time .My eyes looked blood shot red. . I was in a miserable condition. When i  unlocked my iphone3(dad gifted me this phone on my 17th birthdae) I saw 60 calls and 80 messages from 'cameron'oh shit why is he calling me now.......I just don't wanna think about it . I can't go home like that ......my mom and dad are gonna do question shower if they see me like this so I called up my mom which on the 3rd ring she picked up "hello cara ? Where are you???? I and dad were so scared .do you have any idea ?? Your dad was just gonna call the cops .even Cameron showed on our door few hours ago asking for you .you have lots of explanation to do young lady"she said trying to gain her breath.i know i am a idiot i shouldve called them up and told them that im gonna be late and wait what did she just say .....Cameron came to my house asking bout me .why would he care about me now didn't he care about me before he decided on sucking Layla's mouth. "Im sorry mom i just forgot to call you up .Im at rita's place. im gonna be home tommorow morning.Is it okay with you?"
"Ofcorse sweetie but you should have called us up and shouldve informed about it ....be careful next time young lady"i smiled at that little thought of how much my parents love me "yess mommy seeya tommorow and tell dad that I am fine and not to worry too much"all of sudden dad spoke up from the other line"how will I not worry when my baby girl is out there this late" ohh shit I looked at my watch and saw its almost 12oclock... I mentally snaped myself "im so sorry dad these is not gonna happen again"
"Yeas that better not be happening again" I smiled because I knew he sounded all sweet on the phone but the the other side he is damn serious of what he said just now to me . They both care alot for me ."yes dad gotta go rita is waiting for me seeya tommorow"i lied to them but wasnt a complete lie because soon im gonna make my way to her house and tell her everything"yes babygirl goodnight dont let the bad bugs bite love you "mum on the other side was wishing me goodnight "good night and love ull both" with that I ended up my call and waited for few more minute's just looking at the beautiful scenery and thinking about each and every event that happened today and after what it felt like an hour I took a cab an left to rita's place at first she was shocked to see me this late at her door but then I explained everything to her and she just consoled me while I was crying my eyes out Again I cant help it its all my fault at first place I shouldn't have brokeup with him . He was nothing but a sweetheart to me and I was just a bitch to him. Now see he is taken by that witch Layla .I really loved him. I don't think ill ever be able to love someone else other than him .I've been liking him since we were kids and when he proposed me I could not tell you how happy I was I still remember the way he was babbling shit while proposing he was soo nervous but when I said yes to him he looked so relieved and happy like a child on christmas day.even I was the happiest girl on this earth that day . He had charms on which any girl can fall for him . But I did not love him for his charm I loved him for his good heart . How can everthing changed in the matter of years ....
By the time I was done telling rita and vic about cam and layla they both were fuming .. .ohhh you must be thinking how come victoria is at rita's place well then when rita saw me all broken down in my miserable condition on her door way she called up vic instantly within 15minutes ..vic showed up at rita's place . I am so lucky to have them both in my sad life. But then vic spoke up" its okay cara we understand we are always there for you whenever you need us and dare if you forget that bitch okay"rita just agreed to her .after talking and having some girl time.i borrowed some clothes from rita to wear . we all started watching movies and soon we all driffted to sleep...
Next morning when I got up I saw rita and vic were both sleeping in wierd positions.I smiled at them and left a note saying I left .When I reached home I saw mom and my dad were both having breakfast sitting together smiling and lovingly looking at each other . I wanted this in my future with cam. His thought again made me sad.looking at me dad and mum both greeted me with a good morning kiss and told me to join them for breakfast which I gladly accepted .what a human needs to fulfill their hunger and remember yesterday night I did not have anything. I hogged everything possible on the table and was ready to make my way to my bed room .that time my dad spoke up "honey we need to talk"i was kinda scared about what do they wanna talk about .then mom started talking' sweetheart ur dad got a promotion 'ohhhh woww atlast a good news .I got up from my place and hugged my dad and congratulated him . But then bad news was still there to come"we are sifting to New York"ohhh no I knew good news can never come to me without any bad news. I was happy that im allas gonna be out of this place but then what about my freinds im gonna miss them soo much "honey are you okay?"my mum's concern voice got me out of my world "yes mom im completely fine (lie)"
"Are you okay with shifting?" No please I dont wanna leave my freinds they are the only thing left for me here but I can't hurt my mom and ruin ma dado and mummas happiness .I can't be soo selfish "yes mom I totally cool with this shifting thing. But when are we gonna start shifting ?""I doubt you have to start packing now only because in new three days we gonna have to leave this place "what ??? Just two days are left . Im gonna miss this place, my freinds and most importantly MY FIRST CHILDHOOD LOVE 'CAMERON SANTIAGO'" you can call up rita and vic if you want them to help you up with your packing and in the mean time you all can have some last bonding time" my mom is really sweet I took her advice and called vic and rita up and called them at my place. They were there within an hour .When I told them about this shifting and all they were on the verge of crying but they had control on their tears only for me but when I saw their face I couldnt stop myself from crying and looking at me crying they also started crying with that rita and vic started helping me with my packing and they left after few hours of talking .
(The same night) I was woken up by someones screaming I jolted up from my bed within seconds I was downstrairs withinn seconds checking up on my parents but they weren't seen anywhere ohh shit I forgot to switch on the lights but
what if there is murderer in here?
What if there is a ghost that wants to get in my body?
What if I get possesed?
What if there a zombie who want to eat me alive ohh no then I will also turn into one zombiee?
What if......
I was cut out of my thinking when the lights were turned on suddenly and everybody shouted out loud"happy birthday "when I turned around There they were MY FAMILY that consists of rita, victoria ,dad and mum. I took a clear view of everthing there was one big cake in the middle of the table and halls were decorated preety well 'I was angry on them for making me scared first of all but then their suprise caught me off guard and here I am felling like a luckiest girl on this earth but onli only one person was missing "Cameron"he never missed my birthdays for anything in this world when everyone were done wishing me and were done cutting the cake and busy partying .someone knocked the door I told them that im gonna get the door .when I made my way to the door and opened it up there was no one there except for a small box with a note next to it 'happy 18th birthday princess'and instantly I knew who kept this gift here 'cameron' he remembers ????this thought only made me soo happy I closed the door and opened up the gift instantly and there was my gift a locket with MY PRINCESS written on it ....I instantly put that locket in my neck and that night I had the best sleep of my life with my freinds , family and Cameron's thoughts

Cameron's pov :
That night she went missing she scared the living day light out of me I called up rita she first just started shoiting at me but then she told to me to stop calling her and that cara is at her place . I was relaxed Knowing she was safe but how can I forget tommorow is my cara's birthday. That night when everybody was partying in I also wanted to go in hold my princess and wish her on her 18th birthday but I know I couldn't so I kept my gift out on her door and knocked the door and instantly hid behind one of the tree .when the door clicked I knew she was the one to open the door and there she was... my beautiful angel looking confused until her eyes landed on the gift kept down. When she opened the gift there was a smile on her face which made me automatically smile then she read the note I kept beside that gift and after readding that note a wide smile spreaded across her beautiful face and then rushed in closing the door. Happy 18th birthday love and good night princess is all I said as if she was hearing me and left with the empty feeling inside me.......
Cams wallpaper up there↑↑↑
Hey lovelies
Atlast over
Now next chapter is gonna be more interesting
So seat back and wait for a new update


Thanks for reading
- carron174

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