Chapter 3

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Here is the next part you guys asked for! Okay, it's a little shorter than the others. Thanks for staying with me for this long!  Hope you like it!  


Harry awoke from a knocking sound. He blinked and saw Louis and Zayn walk in.

"Hey boys", said Zayn with a smile. "How are you doing?"

Harry rubbed his nose and looked around. It was even brighter outside. He cleared his throat and asked: "How long did we sleep?"

Zayn shrugged. "Just an hour or two... Why? Feel hungry?"

Harry nodded. Niall was sitting up now, too. He immediately reached out for a tissue and blew his nose wetly. "Man", he groaned. "I don't think I've ever been that stuffed-up in all my life..."

Louis made a face, pretending to be grossed out. "Yeah, well, that's lovely, mate. Besides the ridiculous amount of snot in your nose, though, how are you?"

He stepped closer, but Harry had already put a hand to Niall's forehead. "He feels normal", he stated and sniffled.

Louis raised an eyebrow and Zayn chuckled and also stepped closer. "Sorry, Haz, but your opinion doesn't count! You have a fever, too, so you wouldn't be able to feel if he's too warm!"

Zayn then felt Niall's forehead and sighed. "It's so hard to tell without a thermometer. I think you might still be a little feverish, Ni. Better stay in bed today."

"Sure", Niall shrugged, then coughed. "I don't feel like going anywhere anyway."

"How about you, Harry?", asked Louis in a concerned voice and looked at him like he was going to hug him and get all protective.

"I'm alright", lied Harry. The truth was that he still felt horrible, but he didn't want to worry Lou. On top of that, he was getting a little bored of staying in bed and wanted to spend time with his band mates.

"That's good", answered Louis, sounding unconvinced and giving Harry a look that said: "I know you're lying and I'm going to take care of you no matter what you say".

"What would you like for breakfast?", asked Zayn now.

Niall had already put his head back down on the pillow and mumbled something about pancakes. Harry shrugged. "Can I get up and make it with you?"

"No!", said Louis immediately. "You stay in bed, mate!"

"Okay, sure", said Harry, because he felt too weak to fight right now. "But can I at least join you in the living room later?"

Zayn nodded sympathetically. "Getting bored in here, huh?"

"Yah! Being sick sucks so much! I want some distraction!

"That's what we're here for, Haz." Lou gave him a smile.

"Can I still have breakfast in bed, though?", mumbled Niall, pouting like a little kid.

Everybody laughed. "Of course!", said Zayn then. "We'll get straight to work on them pancakes and maybe some scrambled eggs and bacon!"

So they left the room, while Harry grabbed a tissue to blow his nose for the millionth time that night. Ni right next to him caught two sneezes in cupped hands. Harry didn't even bother to say "Bless you", knowing that the blonde was half-asleep again and even more miserable than him.

About fifteen minutes later, Harry got out of bed, stuffed a few clean tissues into his sleeve and went into the living room. Walking still made him feel dizzy and send a wave of throbbing pain through his head. The congestion was still really bad, too. 

However, he felt a bit stronger than before his nap and it was fun joining Liam, Lou and Zayn in the living room, where they were sitting at the table with all sorts of food on it, including bacon, scrambled eggs and oatmeal.

"Hey Harry!", called Liam out with a wide smile. "There you are, back from the dead!"

"Hey, I wasn't the one that passed out! It was Ni!"

Liam frowned. "Is he any better?"

"Yeah", said Harry and Zayn added: "We think his temp has gone down, even though there's no real way of telling. I'm thinking we should probably go and buy a thermometer after breakfast."

"Good idea", said Louis. "I'll come with you. And Liam can stay and watch the sickies."

Harry didn't protest. He just sat down and loaded some pieces of bacon on his plate. Zayn poured him a lot of orange juice, claiming that he needed vitamins. Harry took a sip and coughed. 

The pulp felt horrible in his sore throat and besides, he was too stuffed-up to taste anything! Just as he was nibbling his bacon with growing frustration, because he couldn't really taste any of the normally delicious flavor, Lou turned away from the table and sneezed a strong double into the air. "He-ishOO! Ha-IT-choo!"

He sniffled, and turned back to the others as if nothing had happened. Liam, Zayn and Harry were staring at him.


"Are you okay?", inquired Liam. "Because if you're not, say it now!"

Louis sighed. "Guys, calm down. I just sneezed once."

"Twice", corrected Harry.

"Yeah, what ever. You've been sneezing your head off all night and nobody's been looking weird at you, Haz!", said Louis defensively.

"That's because he openly admits to being sick", stated Liam dryly. "Which you don't."

"Because I'm not sick!", claimed Louis, just as his breath began to hitch again. He tried to stifle the sneeze into the crook of his elbow, but it was too forceful. "He-ikngh-chOo!"

"Bad timing, mate", said Zayn.

"Yeah. Now we're totally not going to be believe you anymore", added Liam.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Guys, seriously! Something's bothering my nose, something in the air... Dust or...whatever. I'm okay." Everybody was still staring at him, so he repeated it, stressing both syllables. "Oh. Kay. Can you just believe me, for gosh's sake?"

"Do you swear?" Zayn's eyebrows were raised critically.

Louis nodded without hesitation. "I swear. It's nothing. I'm all good." Then he tapped his own chest lightly. "Immune system of steal right here."

The others chuckled, then Harry was interrupted by a sneeze of his own. He let out a small, wet: "He-chew!"

"Bless you", said Liam and Zayn in unison, as Harry pulled out one of his tissues and wiped his runny nose gently.

"See?", said Louis. "It's no problem when he does it!"


Hope you guys enjoyed it!





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