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Miku Hatsune was walking down the street during a normal day. She looked up at the sky, which was a saddening gray. Just as she frowned, her cliché life decided that it was time to rain on her.

She ran to the nearest building, which was a coffee shop. After entering, Miku decided to sit down at a table and pull out her phone. It was nine in the morning.

The tealette looked over at the table next to hers, which had a blond man with cerulean eyes looking at his laptop as he typed. Miku decided to move over to the seat across from his.

"You're lonely like me, aren't you?" she asked.

"Then I guess that makes two of us." he said, not bothering to look up. She heard keys being pressed down on rapidly.

"I'm Miku Hatsune. You are?" she asked.

"Len Kagamine." he answered. He looked up at her for a few seconds and she swore she could see a smile on his face, but he then looked back down.

"What'cha doing?" Miku asked.

"You love questioning me, don't you?" Len asked back, then answered, "I'm writing a story."

"Interesting." she said. "Would you mind telling me what your story is about?"

"Sure." the blond said, closing his laptop.

Miku smiled. Again, she thought she saw a small smile creeping onto Len's face, but she must've been hallucinating because his expression became more of a blank, semi-solemn stare.

"I'm writing about a girl named Gumina. She works are the carnival, but the catch is she's a struggling cannibal." Len began to explain. "I have a whole series planned out for this, but it's still developing."

Unlike what Len expected, Miku was fascinated. "That sounds wonderful! I've never actually wanted to read something this much in my entire life!" she told him with a giant smile.

Len's cheeks heated up the slightest bit, and he gave her a small smile. "Th-thanks..." he mumbled, adverting his gaze slightly. His fingertips nervously tapped against the top of his laptop; he had clearly never been in this situation before.

The tealette beamed, trying to see if that would calm him down. "You're welcome!"

He continued to smile, successfully calming down. He just couldn't believe it.

I feel normal, like there's no burden I'm carrying around. I might've just made an actual friend as the real me. A real friend as me, myself, Len.

"...iss you or something to wake you up, Sleeping Beauty?" he heard Miku say as he zoned back in.

"Yeah, I'm fine." he answered, resting his arms on top of his laptop. "Hey, I know we just met, but do you want to do this again, or hang out or something? You just seem like a really nice person and all, and a good listener."

Her face turned red. "M-me? Hang out with you? Of course!" Len smiled at her.

"Wonderful." he said simply, continuing to smile. Miku couldn't help but return his smile, her cheeks trying to cool down but failing to do so.

For a seemingly mysterious person, the tealette already felt comfortable around him. He was her first adult friend. Well, if he thought of them as friends. Either way, Miku had made this decision, and there was no turning back.

She had better prepare for the chaos that would put her whole life in reverse.


A/N: Just putting this here: half of this was written a year ago, so there's probably a change in my writing style. I apologize for how short this is, I will try to update a bit more often and write more than 1K words.

Anyway, I hope to see you in the next update.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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