Chapter one- Thousand words.

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  • Dedicated to Cein.. A guy I once loved and still do.

Chapter one- Thousand words.

Waking up in the darkness and stepping onto the cold concrete floor to open and reveal the death like light. My mind flickering back and forth, remembering the heart aches and soulless lies that came from my “parents “mouths. Pushing open the bathroom door, to the foggy mirror and cold tiles, slowly moving my smoky, death blue eyes to the glass to see my face and think nothing, but un-healthy thoughts.  

You know that feeling of your stomach dropping lower than the ocean floor, that’s the feeling I had when I looked into the mirror. Turning around and revealing the skeleton body that I had created. I guess I never thought when I said just a few more pounds wouldn’t hurt; nothing came into my mind when I saw I looked like the famous death, never knowing that I would let bullying push me so far to the edge.

Walking through the creaky, unstable orphanage was like walking through a dark set of woods, feeling your own heart pounding through your chest, creeping past the sleeping care taker and out the squeaky door into the warm sunlight of my dreams, the sun glistening off my pasty white, glowing skin. Breathing in the clear, crisp spring air, and feeling a sense of relief.     

My feet crunching against the leaves and rocks walking into the imprisonment they call school. The only two people who keep me in place are my two best friends Molly and Monique. I mean yeah were idiots especially them, but they are my idiots and without them I wouldn’t be able to get out of bed in the morning.

I do a little smirk smile to say hello and as I go to speak, two girl s come up behind me and clash with my shoulders throwing me into the pavement. Giggling and sneering at of course, the emo who fell into the place they belong, lower than the so called gods. Brushing my ripped black jeans and Black Veil Brides shirt, Molly and Monique run up to me and say concerned, “ Are you alright? “ and my reply was a nod and I started walking away with my head held high knowing I am in pain.

Within’ life everybody goes through a point where they wish nothing, but for everything to end with just single, slow cut, but I guess it doesn’t come true unless you really try. Since a young age I’ve always dreamt what heaven was like, but does it really exist? Or is it just some sick fantasy to tell the less fortunate, so they have hope for a better life after death. If this is my life now I don’t want to know how I will be in 5 years’ time, I can’t keep living in my fake reality like everything is okay, saying that I am okay.

Walking into the ART room and finding my spot down in the depths behind the most popular. I see nothing, but a guy with pale white skin and blonde hair sitting where normally no one sits, I can do nothing, but stare at him with curiosity of whom he is and why he has come to shit ass of a school?  

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