Issues Pertaining to MIS Sold PPI Claims

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The rise in the number of people applying for reclaims is consequential to the biggest scandal that hit the financial market of the United Kingdom – PPI scandal. In the last few years, thousands of people have filed for Mis Sold PPI Claims and many have been successful in getting money back as well. A mis sold policy means that a particular policy was sold to the customer without following the right selling guidelines. In some cases, it was sold even when buyers were not interested while there have been instances where people were forced to buy it. Consequently, a large number of policy holders spread all over United Kingdom are complaining about it.

If you think that you have been mis sold policy then you can rectify it by filing a reclaim. This simply means taking a legal action against the bank or money lending institution from where you have bought the policy. Following are the circumstances under which a policy is said to be mis sold:

•    An insurance cover is said to be mis sold in case the disclosure of insurance cover is not given completely. Also, it does not include other important information that a buyer should know. 

•    It was not provided or issued making use of conventional method of selling products and services. Rather, it was simply added along with other things such as car loan, credit cards and other types of promotional deals and mortgages.

•    At the time of taking out a loan or credit card, buyer was given the impression that buying PPI is mandatory for getting an approval for loan. This is nothing but the clear case of mis selling of the policy.

•    Buyers were not informed about all the options of the policy that is they were kept under dark about similar policies carrying comparatively lesser fees or premium.

•    When buyers are given the impression as well as understanding that such policy is a mandatory or standard coverage although it is an optional insurance cover that a buyer can turn down if he does not feel the need for the same.

•    The policy is said to be mis sold when it was sold to a buyer who is self-employed, unemployed or retired. Under these scenarios, borrowers might not be able to pay for premiums because of no proper means of income.

If you have experienced any of the above slated circumstances, you are very much eligible to apply for Payment Protection Insurance Claims. Instead of filing for Mis Sold PPI Claims on your own, consider counting on the services offered by expert solicitors who have years of experience and expertise in dealing with similar issues. Once you have zeroed-in on the best claims management company you can leave rest to them. They will assess your case, scan through documents before starting the legal work. They will gather every minute detail about the policy. Subsequently, they will investigate the entire matter. they will file for Payment Protection Insurance Claims on your behalf only when they have proven grounds for it.

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