Listen here, bitch

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'Oi Alice' Conner's voice shouted,
'Yes?' I replied in a sweet tone trying to keep the irritation out of my voice,
'Get your arse over here' i scoffed shaking my head as he smirked, making me blush.
I turned and walked quickly towards my next class, before i could reach the classroom i felt someone pull at my hair making me off balanced and finally i fell onto the floor. What the hell? I looked up at the group of girls surrounding me just as Caitline, started screaming at me 'Listen here bitch, stay away from Conner okay, he's mine' ignoring her I slowly got up standing eye to eye with Caitline unaware that she was still screaming at me. Her shirt just covered her chest and had a plunging neckline, I cringed. 'Do you understand?' Her voice made me want to be sick, nevertheless i nodded and tried to ignore the stares i was getting from everyone in the corridor.
The rest of the day was pretty usual with the exception of some unrepeatable remarks from Conner and finally school was finished for summer, no more year 12, thank god.
Upon entering the car park i soon spotted my black BMW, that was my 17th birthday present. But as i got closer to my car I noticed a flat tire and on closer inspection i saw that they were all punctured... What the..?
I huffed but froze when i heard laughter, I turned towards the noise and saw practically the entire year laughing at me and right in the middle stood Caitline. She walked towards me and out of instinct i stepped back making everyone laugh more. Caitline smiled falsely before chucking her Starbucks all over me, i screamed once before grabbing my bag and running, leaving my car. 
I set off towards home but eventually had to stop running because the tears that I couldn't stop made it impossible to see. I slumped down onto the curb letting sobs take over my body, i had no boyfriend or even friend to call, i had absolutely no one.
After a while i begin to feel the air turning colder I silently cursed and pulled out my phone, after debating whether or not to call my brother, well half brother,  i eventually built up the courage to. 'Alice what do you want?' He said in a cold tone. 'Oh sorry Harry i called you by mistake' I lied before rushing to cut off. I unwillingly carried on walking home.
Later on i was heading to the dining room to eat dinner with my Mum but noticing that Harry wasn't here 'Mother?' I questioned. 'Yes dear what is it?' Her slightly American accent, identical to mine, spoke. 'Where's Harry?' She hesitated 'His name is Harold so you better well use it Alice' i nodded with my head down, she dropped the question.
After an awkward dinner i finally escaped to my room, so background information; My name is Alice Styles, i'm 17 years old and i'm 5'4. I have dull blonde hair which clash badly with my dark eyes. So yeah i'm the schools loser with no friends *aw*. Harry has just turned 18, so he's in the second yeah of sixth form, he has tattoos, an eyebrow piercing, and him and his friends practically ran my school. If they say jump, you jump, without even questioning how high. I think he's probably around 6'. He has his exams soon and-
My thoughts were interrupted as my bedroom door flew open and Harry entered.
'Hey Al'
'Oh erm hey Harry are you alright' I mumbled, suddenly nervous. He like my Father had a British accent, I had moved back here to Holmes Chapel with my Mum when i was 13. My Mum took me to California, where there was a job opportunity for her, whilst Harry stayed here with Dad. They never split up, so when there was choice of coming back to the UK my Mum jumped to it, so here i am. Harry's my half brother because we don't have the same Mum, his died soon after she gave birth. Then 6 months later, Harry's Dad met my Mum, then 9 months after that, i was born.
'Hello?' Harry chuckled waving his hand in front of my face. Ugh i forgot he was here, i coughed awkwardly. After a moment of silence Harry spoke again 'I heard shit went down earlier' i looked at him confused, 'with your car' he elaborated. I nodded swallowing 'yeah' i spoke quietly. 'I could help yanno?' Harry continued.
'With my car? No its okay i-' he interrupted 'No i mean with-erm-you?' He asked hesitantly. 'What?' I asked still confused. Suddenly he seemed to change his mind 'look forget i said anything okay, once a loser always a loser right?' He laughed coldly before walking out my bedroom.
I sat on my bed confused and i was strangely affected that he called me a loser, then I finally understood what he meant, to change my appearance, like a make over. Gaining confidence i walked into his room without knocking, 'Harry, do it' my voice sounding more confident than i felt. He raised his eyebrows in confusion. 'What?' I swallowed before speaking 'the change, make over whatever, just do it' I said. He shook his head, 'No'. What? No? 'Why?' I pressed. I could practically see his internal battle, whether to help me or not. I prayed he would. 'I said no' he sighed.
'Fine okay whatever' i countered, before turning and leaving his room. 'Alice wait!' I heard him shout, i turned and fell straight into him hitting my head on his chest, 'fuck' I whispered. Harry laughed slightly, 'okay'
'Okay?' I questioned.
'Yeah, i'll help you' i smiled at him and hugged him tightly. 'I love you Harry!' I shouted, jumping onto him, making him fall over, me on top of him. 'Shit Harry i'm so sorry!' I squeaked. I quickly jumped up, to find Harry staring at my now exposed stomach, my shirt was caught underneath my bra. I coughed and tried to hide my blushing face as I quickly put my shirt back into place. 'Belly button ring? Didn't expect that from you Alice' Harry said, smirking. After a really awkward conversation I decided i should leave Harry and go to bed. As i left i heard him shout, 'goodnight Alice oh and i love you too' as he started laughing again i shouted back, 'wait, Harry' he moved his eyes from his phone screen 'mm?' He mumbled. 'Don't tell mum about-' he cut me off 'your piercing?' He broke into laughter again 'don't worry I won't' I shook my head in disapproval but still fell asleep smiling.

Picture of Alice on the side, I don't own it, all photos are from Google images  xxxxxx

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