Like mother like daughter

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Alice's POV
When, after hours of driving and talking it started to get dark, Niall reluctantly agreed to let me stay at his place. So now, we were at his flat. 'Why have i never being here? Its so nice!' I laugh, trying not to slur my words. 'I don't know babe!' He laughs, pouring us another drink, of clear brown liquid. 'Cheers!' I shout, us both emptying the glass in one. 'I'm tired' i stumble to Niall's bedroom. 'Can i have some clothes?' I turn to him, he nods vaguely and opens one of his drawers, pulling out a t-shirt and some boxers. I fall onto the bed and close my eyes, 'babeee, c'mon you need to change' Niall laughs at nothing again. I nod and try to stand up then grab Niall's hand and use him to pull me up. I stumble forward and fall into his chest, i keep my head there for a second. 'Sorry' i laugh quietly. I turn my head up to him, he leans down to me, 'Niall what are you-' he cuts me off with his mouth rough on mine. My hands instantly find his hair as he pushes me down on the bed, supporting his weight above me. I open my mouth and deepen the kiss.
Louis's POV
'She has to be somewhere!' Harrys shouts, hitting the steering wheel and stopping the car on a random road. 'Three of us looking in the same place isn't gunna help, i'll call you in an hour' Em says before getting out of the car, i watch her walk around the front of Harry's car then stop at my open window. 'Hoody?' She smiled, i sigh and pull my black Vans hoody over my head then hand it to her through the window. 'Thankyouuuu, i'll see you later' she stands on her tiptoes and kisses me, 'I love you' i smile as she walks away, 'i know Lou' she smiles back. I sigh and lean back into the chair. 'Damn, she's really got you were she wants you' Harry laughed. 'It's not fucking funny' i hit the dashboard. He laughed again before carrying on driving.
Em's POV
I soon find myself on Niall's street, i call him but it goes straight to voicemail. I feel in Louis's hoody for his keys, then pull them out to find Niall's. I know which keys are Louis's and Zayn's straight away, I realise that one of them is to my house, so i'm left with four. Presumably Niall's, Liam's and Harry's. I get it right on the second key. The lock snapped back and opened the front door into the block of flats, i took the elevator to the 4th floor and used the key i tried first down stairs to open his door. 'Niall?' I shouted through the kitchen, hearing nothing back I figured he wasn't here, I was about to leave when i heard something from his bedroom. I sighed, he probably fell asleep. I walked quietly to his bedroom and edged open the door. In the centre of his room, was his bed. And in the centre of his bed was Alice, laid naked, i stand frozen in shock as Niall walks out of the bathroom, also naked. 'Classy' i said loudly, making them both freeze. Alice scrambled to cover herself, 'it's a bit late for that' i glare at her. I feel anger burn inside me, 'who the fuck do you think you are?!' I shout grabbing her hair, making her stand up, she screams in pain. Whilst Niall sat frozen to bed. Suddenly he came to his senses and pulled on his boxers, 'Em, woah calm down!' He shouted. 'Calm down? Do you think Charlotte will be calm when she finds out?!' I scream at him. His features instantly soften. 'Em, please you can't-' he begs. 'What about Harry?!' I turn back to Alice, 'like Mother like Daughter right?' I smirk. 'Don't say anything about-' Alice shouts. 'Or what?! What are you gunna do? You, pathetic, little, slut' i hit her head into the wall with every word. I let go of her hair and watch as she sinks to the floor, then turn to Niall. 'You don't deserve Charlotte, or anyone. You're nobody, and you mean nothing to me' i say breathing heavily, pushing him away from me, his back hitting the wall, he grimaced. 'Em, i need to get her to hospital. Please.' He begs again, bringing his hand up to cup the back of his head, 'Hospital? She's not 5 for god's sake. Do whatever the hell you want' I snarl, leaving his flat and slamming the door as i left. I sit on the curb outside and put my head in my trembling hands. I can't believe that just happened, any of it. I couldn't believe i'd attacked Alice. I could feel myself turning back into the person i was before Zayn. Guilt blinding me. I shook the thoughts from my head and lit a cigarette. Inhaling deeply in an attempt to calm down. Fucking bitch. She deserved that and so much more. Why would she ruin someone's relationship like that. I felt sick at any thoughts of Niall. I finished the cigarette and pulled Louis's hoody tighter around me. I feel for my phone and realise i left it in Harry's car. I sigh and, despite the streets being pitch black i start to walk in the direction of Louis's house.

Aw Niall:(( louis appreciation chapterr xxxxx

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