Chapter 2: Thinking Really Hard

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Nikki Pov: 

It was just a week before now when I smashed the flower vase and my hand was nothing but, blood. I can't find a job and I really need one. I checked the WWE website to see if there was a diva search still going. Out of my luck there wasn't, I should have left with Brie and leave my parents. Besides by this age people do move out of there parents house. 

Anyways, I was scrolling down the website and saw videos of the events that happend during the week of the show. 

"Why haven't I checked this website earlier. OMG! FRICK! I could have watched Brie here" I mumbled to my self. I clicked on the DIVAS button. After about three minutes of waiting I finally got it. I saw many pretty ladies. I kept scrolling down trying to find Brie. 

I went to the letter 'B' and found Brie 

"Fuck. Look at her she look so fit and strong. Wow she actually took this well. I saw a video of her but, I was a little scared that maybe if my parents found out they'd kill me. 

I ran down the stairs and saw them watching TV. I ran back upstairs and clicked on the video. 

"Brie's gonna do it. Oh look she just put the Bella buster on Candice Michelle. 1-2-3-! Yes finally Brie will be going for the women's champion ship. I can't wait to see her on survivor series, see her win that belt." I heard  this guy on this table yell. 

"Hmm what's this survivor series"? I asked to my self. 

After about ten minutes if researching. I found out that its an event and you need tickets to go. I quickly ran to my piggy bank and saw about $600. 

"This is it I could get a front row seat and see my sister perform. It's the only way I could look at her face."

I glanced in the screen which says how much the event will be and where will it. 

"Ahhhh SHIT!" I said 

"This is in philedalphia and, I live in Arizona. I can't drive that far". I mumbled. 

I tear fell off my face and that's when I noticed that I was crying. A buzz got me out of my thoughts. 

I glanced at my phone and saw that it was moving. Giving me a notification that I have a phone call. I picked up my phone and with my sleeves I rubbed my eyes wiping all my tears away. 

"Hello" I said my voice cracking a little. 

"Heyyyyyyyy Nikki" Natalya said 

Natalya is my friend since we were in kindergarten. She was my first  friend once I started school and she helped me with everything I needed. 

"So what's up"? She asked. 

"Nothing much just researching something" I said calmly. 

"That's cool" she replied back. 

'This was my perfect chance' I thought to my self. "Hey um Natalya I have a favor it would be really nice for you if you could help"? I asked putting a small smile even though I knew she couldn't see it. "Yeah anything for you nikki" she said with concern in her face. 

Here goes nothing. "Could you drive me to Philli"? I asked her closing my eyes hoping she'd say yes. It's my only chance to meet Brie Bella. "Why"? Great I knew she would ask me that. "We'll cause Brie Is there this Sunday so you need to come with me so we could drive together. And we together could meet Brie" I said. 

"I knew you'd say that" she laughed "of course I'll help you when are you leaving"? "I want to leave tomorrow. It's time I run away from here too and leave my parents and start a life instead of just sitting here and reading books and watching TV". I said. 

"Yeah sure ill see you tomorrow then but, just think about it you might regret this" Natalya said. " don't worry I won't regret this at all". 

"Ok bye Nikki" 

"Bye Nattie" 

I was relieved that she said yes. Now all I have to do is pack my bags and buy a ticket. 

Brie gonna get a whole lot of surprises this sunday. 

Me and that beautiful belt!!! 



I was board so I thought why not update. I also need to study today for a test that I need to take tomorrow. I know this chapter was boring. I feel it!!! I hope you all like it!!!! 


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