Chapter 4 - Decisions, Decisions

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Author Pov: 

"Ready Nikki" Nattie said as she helped Nikki put one of her bags in her car. "Yep" Nikki replied back. Nikki did all her packing during night. While her parents were sleeping. She knew Natalya was going to do all the driving so why sleep? This morning she gave her parents a big hug and kiss while they were leaving for work. She made sure that she left a hidden note so her parents could find it another time. Nikki deleted her parents number even though she knew it by heart. She was ready all she wanted to do was meet Brie and move in with her. She bought her ticket and now she was ready. 

"I'm going to go get snacks for us while we're in our long drive" Nattie said. "Yeah you go and I'll start the car". Nikki replied back. She really hoped her new life wouldn't be hard. Her life was already tradegy. She just needed Brie. 

"Ok let's go" Natalya said as she got in the drivers seat and Nikki rushed to the passengers. "Yeah let's do it" Nikki Wispered looking away from the house. 

Natalya put it on reverse, turned, then put it on drive. She started to drive really slow and Nikki couldn't figure why. 

"A start of a New life" Nikki thought as a tear escaped from her eyes. She didn't want Nattie to see her cry cause if she did, Nikki would be hundred percent sure that Nattie would do a U Turn and drive back home and Nikki never wants that to happen. She purposely wants to leave. 


Brie's Pov: 

"Don't you think your going to hard Brie" I turned around and met the eyes of Brown. More specifically 'Seth Rollins' eyes. "No why would you think that"? I said back with sweat all over my body. I defenetly need a shower when I get back to the hotel. 

"We'll for starters your going on full blast" Seth said back to me with a grin. "I am not a starter for you information. Ok I just want to win that belt. I'm pretty sure you'd do all this hard workout to if you were in a match for the WWE WORLD HEAVY WEIGHT CHAMPION. Am I wrong?" 

"Probably, I do crossfit" Seth said showing me his abs. "Yeah, Yeah" 

"Brie you ready for that belt" I heard from behind me. I turned around recognizing that voice from anywhere. Turning around to the the one and only 'LUNATIC FRINGE' or as I like to call him, 'MY BOYFRIEND'. "Yes I'm ready" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Oh come on Brie I know you could do better than that" dean said as he leaned forward and connected our lips together not caring if anyone saw. 

"OK OK GUYS YOU COULD STOP NOW" Seth said getting an irritated feeling. "Sorry" I said, I just remembered that he lost his girlfriend. 

"Yeah, Yeah. Anyways we have a greeting with some fans after Survivor series so be prepared" Seth said then left to finish his workout. 


Nikki Pov: 

"NIKKI, NIKKI, NIKKI WAKE THE FUCK UP ITS YOUR TURN TO DRIVE" I heard Natalya say to me while she was pushing me. I pushed her back and got in the drivers seat. All I want to do is get a hotel and go to sleep and continue this tommorow. 

I wonder what mom and dad must be thinking about. Did they find the note? I asked to myself. I hope not. 

I sighed "Just a few more Minutes and I'm stopping this to the nearest hotel" I said to Nattie. Right now if she declined or whatever I wouldn't listen cause all I want to do is sleep. "Yes Mother". 


Author: Well new chapter, I feel like this was a long one. Anyways I hope you all liked it and have a great day!!!! Love you all!!!!! 


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