20 questions

152 5 3

Chapter 2

I opened the door slowly and stuck my head outside checking if the beta was still around. The coast was clear, I mentally fist pumped and grabbed my wallet, phone and helmet and raced to my bike.


After checking out a couple of shops and buying some new tops plus a pair of skinny jeans I decided to grab some brunch, and go back to the hotel. then hit the rest of the stores later. If your wondering how I have the money, well after selling off what was left of my car and some of mine and Caleb's stuff, I had enough money to get me by for another two weeks. So I had two weeks to find somewhere to stay and get a job.

Just as a entered the small cafe I smelt other werewolf's and there heads instantly snapped towards me and they let out a low warning growl. so I turned around as fast as lighting and bolted straight to the diner down the road.

As soon as I got there I sat down in a booth and ordered a L&P while I looked through the menu. While I was looking through the menu I tall well built girl around my age, with piercing green eyes, short straight midnight black hair , that came just above her shoulders with a side fringe, that had the tips died red. Sat across from me. She starred at me for a moment, which kinda made me uncomfortable then she spoke up. "Who are you?" you could see the curiosity bubbling in her eyes.

"Nickylee" I held out my hand waiting for her to respond.

"Why are you here" she snaps,. I pull back my hand feeling awkward.

" I'm getting something to eat" I replied and gave a fake smile. She was kinda intimidating.

" No I meant what are you doing in this town." She asked and you could hear the power in her voice. her green eyes locked with my blue ones, and were awaiting my answer. She must have alpha blood. 'Great' I thought 'I'm a magnet for powerful wolfs.'

" just passing through, I'm not looking for any trouble. " I said in all honesty. But she was kinda pissing me off because this talk is turning into a game of 20 questions.

She starred at me intently and said. " your running aren't you"

I kept quiet and didn't respond. She tilted her head slightly and you could see her curiosity dancing in her eyes instead of bubbling, she knew she was getting somewhere with all these questions. " who are you running from?"

I still kept quiet. I couldn't tell a stranger my past, I'm not ready to open that part of my life up yet. " I'm gonna ask you again. Why are you in Lighting rain territory? " she put more power into her voice as she spoke.

" I'm just passing through that's all." I say with annoyance.

" who are you running from?" She replied shortly after.

" ah I'm not running from anyone. I'm just..." I paused and thought of what I was doing. I mean what am I doing, because all I have been doing is running. Then the thought of Caleb, and the pain of remembering I had lost my pup, hit me like a ton of bricks.' I won't cry, I can't' I said to myself as the tears were building up in my eyes.

'Maybe we need to stop nick, we can't run forever.' Autumn spoke up.

I put my head in my hands as my eyes betrayed me, and tears flowed down my face. " I know " was all I said and then I got a look of confusion from the girl.

" I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you. It's just that your a rogue, but you smell different, and after what Jack told me about you, I thought someone had a bounty on you." She sounded kind but I found it strange she was being nice. I mean people aren't suppose to be nice to rogues right. And who the hell is jack. And what did she mean I smell different.

Faded light (doing a re write so do not read) not finishedWhere stories live. Discover now