Shit storm of vantas

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The bell signaling to go to 2nd period couldnt come fast enough. You dashed down the halls and quickly made it to language arts. You made it just in time for kankri and karkats daily fight. Apparently, karkat refused to sit down and just stood glaring at kankri and interrupting his lesson when ever he felt like it. You took a seat in the front, barely holding in your laughter. (A/N: idk kankri's quirk so deal with it.) "Karkat, please sit down. Your causing a distraction for my class, and I find that quite triggering." "OH REALLY!? I FIND *YOU* TRIGGERING YOU FUCKING BULGELICKER!!" "Karkat, im sorry you feel that way but i cannot allow such language in my classroom. Sit down." that just fueled karkat even more. Karkat pointed his finger at kankri accusingly for god knows what reason. "I WILL *NOT* SIT DOWN. I WILL STAND AS LONG AS I FUCKING WANT TO!!" "Karkat, please. Your acting like a wiggler. If you want attention, please go find another class room to get it in." kankri crossed his arms and scowled lightly at karkat. Karkat's face turned red with anger and embarrassment. "I DONT WANT FUCKING ATTENTION! YOU DICKTWIDDLING NOOKBRAIN! I WANT YOU TO SHUT THE FUCK UP!" "Karkat. I am the teacher and you must listen to what i have to say. Now ple-" "I HAVE TO LISTEN TO WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY EVERY FUCKING DAY AT HOME!! WHY THE HELL WOULD I WANTTO LISTEN TO YOU HERE!? IM DONE!!!" kankri uncrossed his arms and slammed his hands on karkats desk looking him in the eyes threatingly "Karkat....STOP YOUR COMPLAINING AND SIT THE FUCK DOWN YOU WORTHLESS PEICE OF SHIT BEFORE I BREAK YOUR ASS IN TWO!!!!" everyone went silent. Karkats eyes widened and he sat down as quickly as possible. Kankri slowly walked back to the black board in the front of the room. Wants he was settled kankri apoligized for his language and went on with the lesson. All karkat was able to do was glare at kankri as he spoke. He was too afraid to make an more outbursts at his older brother. You were definitely gonna tease him at lunch today..

A/N: yay for kankri!! Sorry if its a little ooc for kankri but c'mon. Kankri isnt THAT polite. Kankri has his limit too.

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