Hang On

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Angie finishes washing the dishes as I'm just about to wipe off the table.

One week until the wedding and everything is planned.

Which gives Angie and I "sister time".

More importantly, I have one week until summers over. I have to go back to school where I'll be I'm grade eleven. I'll be seventeen soon so I'll be able to pretty much do whatever I want by my parents standards.

Harry is going to school with Angie now. They're going to live off campus in an apartment.

I don't know when I'll leave. Probably tomorrow before everyone gets here. I don't want to be harassed on why I won't do to the wedding.

I don't want to meet Harry's cousin Ben and get roped into dating him because I know Angie will somehow convince me to.

I just want to leave because the sooner I leave, the quicker I get over Harry. Or at least I hope.

"Charlie can you please go upstairs and tell Harry I need him to call the florist!" Angie yelled

"Uh, sure!" I said.

I set down the washcloth, and run up the stairs into Harry and Angie's room.

I see Harry hunched over. His hands in his hair, elbows on his knees as he sits on the bed.


"Go away Charlie"

"Angie said you needed to call the florist"


"A-are you okay? Should I get Angie?" I asked

"No! No, I-I'm fine"

"You sure?" I asked.

I slowly walked over to him.

I'm not sure exactly why, but I was scared. I don't know if I was scared that he would jump up and hurt me or if I was scared that he would end up hurting Angie. But I was scared.

Seeing him like this.

"Please come to the wedding Charlie. Angie is so upset about it. She was bawling last night when you told us. Please" he begged, looking up at me.

"I can't Harry. I'm sorry but I won't"

"I want us to be friends. Why can't you just let me be your friend!"

"Because! I can't be friends with someone I love! You need to understand that!" I yelled.

Suddenly I felt all my energy drain. Like when you pull the plug out it the bathtub and the water drains really fast.

I had to sit down, but before I could my legs gave out and I feel to the ground right in front of Harry.

"Oh gosh Charlie! Are you okay?" He panically asked, bending down next to me.

"G-go get Angie" my voice was shaky and I could move.

"Angie! Angie come here!" Harry yelled

I started seeing black dots. I could barley breathe. Harry was all blurry along with the rest of the room.

I couldn't feel my arms or legs. I tried to move them but it was no use. They weren't going to move.

"You're going to be okay! Hang on" Harry assured me. But how does he know I'm going to be okay? I don't feel okay.

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